Thursday, February 3, 2011

Inexpensive Luggage Tags

petition for municipal services in 2025

needs restructuring the local economic activity in typical regions of East Germany under the terms of the demographic development and the intensification of the structural Defizite in der kommunalen Finanzausstattung

So lautete der Titel einer Veranstaltung die mich am 09.12.2010 nach Hoyerswerda führte. Veranstalter war das Verbundnetz für kommunale Energien / Ein Diskussionsforum ostdeut-scher Kommunalpolitik . Eingeladen waren Bürgermeister, Stadt- und Gemeinderäte sowie Aufsichtsräte und Führungskräfte kommunaler Unternehmen. Die Ver-anstaltung sollte als Landesveranstaltung für Sachsen fungieren. Eine regere Teilnahme wäre bei etwas besserer Witterung sicher möglich gewesen, am Thema lag es auf keinen Fall!

Vorgestellt wurde eine aktuelle Studie gleichen Namens, die für jeden nachlesbar ist .

The introduction should review the Saxon State Minister for Home Affairs Mr Ulbig hold. He was rushed to the coalition meeting and sent to Berlin as a representative of Mr. Arens, Head of Division 2 of the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior.

Stark shortened it related to the possible controlled demolition of municipal infrastructure in respect of municipal activities of cities and towns. Who's still does not believe should fly over the said study and a more extensive study on the above mentioned homepage at least.

What "spirit" of the policy of the CDU - guided State Government of Saxony was breathing at one point the statements very clearly. Mr. Arens pointed strongly to the statement of § 97 paragraph (1) of the Saxon community order with respect to the municipal housing companies (local government for the Free State of Saxony (SächsGemO) of 21 April 1993 Legal Adjusted as at 1 August 2008).
There is the legal text carved: "... In the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing industry, the community also to work towards that which is secured to the appropriate management of the housing-housing stock necessary credit and investment capacity and the company directly or indirectly owned housing stock no dominant Position occupies. " This was implemented by 2015, Mr. Arens.

Developments in Kamenz is so full in the sense of bourgeois politics. The sale of extensive parts of the housing stock by the credit sale to housing association forced bankruptcy to a so-called investor, now enters a new private "major suppliers" and "competitors" in the "housing market" in Kamenz. This is from investment reasons, or if not, then it is interested only limited to his benefit to a citizen-designed in the interest of dismantling of housing stock. The city
Kamenz and housing association were not financially in der Lage zu kaufen!

Wie die Kommunen also notwendige strukturelle Veränderung auf einem so wichtigen Bereich der sozialen Vorsorge wie dem Wohnungswesen gestalten sollen, ohne die notwendige Gestaltungskraft zu haben, bleibt Herrn Arens sein Geheimnis.

Ähnlich gelagerte „Rahmenbedingungen“ durch EU, Bund und Länder betreffen auch die anderen Bereiche der Kommunalwirtschaft.

Auf der Homepage wurden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der VfkE-Studie Kommunalwirtschaft 2025 wie folgt zusammengefasst:

Zum ersten Mal wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied in der Bedeutung kommunaler Unter-nehmen in den neuen Bundesländern im Vergleich zu jenen in den alten Bundesländern nach-gewiesen. The local economy in the new federal states in all the tested functions - especially as employers, wage payers, value creators and investors - have a higher economic importance as a municipal services in the old federal states. For example, the meaning is as an employer by 46 percent, meaning an investor by 83 percent over that in the former countries.
has refuted the thesis of the 'tyranny of the municipal sector. Germany wide are only 2.3 percent of workers employed in local companies. In West Germany the proportion is 2.2 percent, in the new countries at 3.2 percent.
The differences in meaning Municipal Services East and West Germany can be statistically secured primarily to the differences in the density of industry back. The lower the density of industry in a country, there is the higher the importance of the local economy.
are also with our own future research methodology developed for the study finally comparative studies for different time horizons possible.

at this point I was only able to outline a few things very coarse, but of course you stand for questions or further discussions with pleasure.

Andreas Koch

City Council, member of the Group of the Left City Council Kamenz
board member EWAG kamenz (since Jan. 2010)
member of the German Communist Party (DKP)


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