Friday, March 26, 2010

What Happend To Courtney Day

The anonymity of the victims of the KZ-camp Kamenz-Herrental überwinden!

Förderverein Gedenkstätte KZ-Außenlager Kamenz-Herrental e.V.

Mit der Renaturierung des Areals im Kamenzer Herrental und dem Abriss der Fabrikruine einer Tuchfabrik, in der sich von 1944 bis März 1945 ein Außenlager des KZ Groß Rosen befand, besteht jetzt die Möglichkeit, für die Opfer in diesem Lager eine Gedenkstätte zu errichten. In diesem Lager internierte die SS ca. 1000 KZ-Häftlinge zur Zwangsarbeit in der Rüstungsproduktion. Fast 200 von ihnen starben an Unterernährung und Krankheiten, oder wurden von der SS-Wachmannschaft ermordet. Ihre Leichen wurden in der betriebseigenen Kesslanlage burned. Of 182 victims whose names are known to us. You should be created in the memorial a fitting memorial.

accept a sponsorship

for the manufacture of name plates for the 182 deaths in the former sub-camp of Gross-Rosen concentration camp.
The construction of the memorial concentration camp Kamenz-Herrental we want to overcome the anonymity of the deceased there and killed prisoners.

We appeal to citizens, companies, traders and institutions of Kamenz and environment to support this humanitarian concern.
accept a donation of 50.00 € a sponsorship than one of these victims and help to call his name to the memorial and to maintain a dignified remembrance.

you will receive a certificate issued in your name certificate with the name of the victim, whose naming possible through your donation is.

Bank: Volksbank Bautzen eG
BLZ: 855 900 00
Account number: 11,307,701
Password: Memorial

for the certificate / receipt for your donation, please state your name and address.
part payments are possible, after reaching the sum we will send you certificate and receipt.

Type Of Penises Fotos


The idea in Hallstatt to provide homes listed building is nice, but comes too late. The owners have in recent decades renovated their private properties at its own cost and ensuring that the unique "ensemble" Hallstatt now is what it is - beautiful, sensitive, worth preserving. This is certainly no merit in the Federal Monuments Office - and even this was not done with funds from the federal government, but now if one is probably obvious the thing "professional," will take hot with funding from the federal government, the country and their well-paid officials.

to the citizens conscripted into something they have done so far voluntarily and with great attention to this, not only the value of the buildings reduced one obtains also have a "commission law" intrude at any time in the private residential property and "to the right to see. " According to previous statements by the "experts" but they know neither the local nor personal history of the circumstances - die Aussagen die von den Vertretern in den Medien getroffen wurden haben die verheerende Informationspolitik offengelegt und zeugen eher von einer touristischen Interpretation regionaler Gebräuche und Bezeichnungen, die Hausbesitzer werden mit Ihren Sorgen als "empfindlich". Die Weigerung einem Amt das Recht auf Zugang zu einer privaten Wohnraum und dem Mitspracherecht der privaten Räumlichkeiten einzuräumen als regionale "Widerständigkeit" ausgelegt.

Bislang hat der Auftritt der Behörde mit ihren öffentlichen Auftritten und Mitteilungen, nichts an feudalistischem, herablassenden Impetus vermissen lassen und da trifft man in Hallstatt mit seiner jahrhundertelangen Enteignungs und Ausbeutingstradition durch den Staat naturgemäß
auf berechtigte Zweifel.

Dem Bürger und den bereits bestehenden regionalen Instanzen, die über bauliche Veränderungen zu entscheiden haben wird die Kompetenz damit abgesprochen und die "Pflege der baulichen Substanz" soll nun zum "Schutze der Gesamterscheinung" von Wien und Linz aus, und dort von Fachkundiger Stelle zwangsverwaltet ( OT: "man wird dem Besitzer beratend zur Seite stehen" ) werden, bezahlen darf das - erraten der Hausbesitzer.

Der einzige und größte Bausünder der das ganze Ensemble in den letzten hundert Jahren gefährdet hat war aber genau der Bund der mit einem Bau einer Strasse mitten durch den Ortskern in den 60ern die heutige Diskussion beinahe obsolet gemacht hätte. Der Ortskern wäre nämlich, wäre es nach dem Willen der "kompetenten" Entscheider gegangen gar nicht mehr vorhanden da man die meisten ( alle Seeseitigen) Häuser und die charakteristischen Schiffshütten) für diese Straße schleifen hätte müssen.

(Ausschnitt aus "Robinson aus Österreich" Mazka/ Kiener )

Die Bürger haben sich damals gegen diese "Lösung" gestellt und mit harten Kämpfen erwirkt dass eine andere gefunden wird, one is NOT THE SOLUTION AUTHORITIES Comply and the center is not destroyed.

It is all too evident that now go back the emotions high, in view of the approach of the authority that speaks only assume that you have just no idea of \u200b\u200bthe matter, or simply no instinct has, but now as will occur rescuers and custodians "of the region.

other words, if you want to get into a house or a private property to a "stock" see, you should inform people before properly educate them about consequences and events, and only then act.
refrain because it is not necessary is a serious, irreparable mistake.
Reminder: Austria is (at least on paper) a democracy and this is the 21st century - the right to privacy, free speech, property, etc., thanks to the EU, by a decision of the almighty authority set aside at least temporarily, and how had to be shown, especially in matters of fundamental human rights, the Austrian Justice of the European bow a hundred times already - luckily.

So it makes sense to organize safe here legally to become well and to take action and I am convinced that want to be found in the right places enough Hallstatt and lovers of the place to find a solution to put in that basic human rights other than force to achieve something that already the case.

way, there is another beautiful're constantly "sample from Lake Hallstatt:
Around 1900 was planned to construct in Steeg on Lake Hallstatt, a chlorine factory. Citizens in Goisern and Steeg have experienced it and are moved to Italy to visit such a work. What they got to see where they took in a report to the people at home a picture to give "white dead trees throughout the summer and winter full of snow, are sick children, rachitic workers "is it just a day where you think you are in hell, the stench of burning in the chest.

Despite the protests of residents, the work was but built to be - clear the Austria -. Hungarian Empire was ruled absolutist opposition to the government was a serious offense for which one in the dungeon was

To visit the building site was a train from Linz in which the officials were, they were met at the train station seen from a huge crowd.
When Get off the "High Men's Linz" was already one of the first attacks by the population. From the police report indicates that "excelled in particular the butcher Kunze from Bad Goisern to be quite ruthless." Given the amount of people that were there, the police sergeant saw the spot unable to protect the great lords. The "High Men" from Linz was quickly surrounded and we advised them of the construction project to see what this probably is warranted, they were allowed to leave and were never seen again.
The project was never realized, the feasibility of the project appeared to be too expensive.

reached the iron hand of the empire, but "as a stubborn, opinionated and slightly in bringing to boil Berigler known" and so the Redelsführer 2 received a fine and a warning.

Related links:

first Picture reports:

second Radio:

third Articles about Hallstatt:


town meeting without Bundesdenkmalamt
Die Gemeinde Hallstatt hat extra für das Bundesdenkmalamt einen Termin für ein gemeinsames Gespräch vereinbart, an dem im Rahmen der Bürgerversammlung Klartext gesprochen hätte werden sollen. Das ganze war jedoch ohne der Rechnung des BDA. Die hätte auf Nachfrage das Gespräch im kleinen Rahmen gewünscht. Dr. Barbara Neubauer, Präsidentin des BDA schrieb in einem Brief an Bürgermeister Alexander Scheutz, dass es nicht ihre Art sei vor so großem Publikum dieses Thema abzuwickeln. Ein Termin für Anfang Mai sei seitens des BDA mit der Gemeindevertretung anberaumt.

Es war wie eine Vergewaltigung
"Erst durch einen konkreten Fall einer Resident had noticed me, as this federal agency comes to us. I have witnessed firsthand, "says Scheutz," officials would go into the houses without permission, taking pictures and documenting everything. Even into the bedroom of a Hallstätterin they have gone without asking where slept her sick husband. It was like a rape "


Bundesdenkmalamt contacts Dipl.-Ing. Robert Wacha (00 43 732 664 421 15) robert.wacha @

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Long Dong Silva Movis

Obama got health insurance through

Against the opposition of Republicans and many Democrats received by U.S. President wahlkampfversprochene his health insurance.
Conservative lies hoodlums, the decoration compared himself suspected Christian faith, Obama of communism and state bankruptcy, etc., when defense budgets are the same scoundrels not sure on those ideas. were

The campaigns against the health reform, it appears almost all observers as unlikely that the project would still be saved. After all, was U.S. president Clinton failed in such reform.
Obama called off because of today's vote, and made trips abroad including the admission that the insurance would be taken only as an exception for abortions to complete.

More than 30 million Americans are currently without health insurance. Every month, thousands because of treatment costs in personal bankruptcy. - This should now change by the introduction of the solidarity principle. The solidarity seems many Christians no concern.

The U.S. health care reform is a step forward, yet - as the system in Germany - no real alternative to a full income-tax-funded Primary care .

Mark Rabago>> vote and discussion

Shredded Non Dairy Cheese

Für den Erhalt der Lessingschule (Henselstraße) als gymnasialen Standort in Kamenz

declaration of the City Council of the City Kamenz 17 March 2010

moved past few weeks, and Kamenzerinnen Kamenzer and many people from the surrounding area as well as former Kamenzer the discussion of the Lessing-Gymnasium in our city.
In light of the present in 2001 concluded agreements to merge the two schools, the political groups of the Council of the City Kamenz argued that:

The district Bautzen - as the legal successor of the district Kamenz - and the city Kamenz are equal partners when it comes to developing Gymnasium is the site in Kamenz.
The City Council Kamenz speaks in principle for the preservation of the Lessing Gymnasium school as a location. Of course, there is understanding for the organizational issues associated with the current solution.

The City Council Kamenz agrees with the county government, that there shall be no change for a quick and hasty solutions. The city
Kamenz will participate actively on the basis of contracts concluded within the merger agreement within a site investigation. This consideration should be characterized by openness and the school issues beyond arguments.

The issues affecting the development of the city most deeply. Therefore, it is reasonable and reflects the spirit of the then merger agreement for merger of the two Gymnasien, dass sich eine Arbeitsgruppe bildet, die paritätisch mit den Fachleuten der Stadt und der Landkreisverwaltung besetzt wird. Wir sehen im Ergebnis einer Standortbewertung die Möglichkeit, unterschiedliche Kriterien, wie z.B. Investitionskosten, städtebauliche Fragen, Nachnutzung von Gebäuden und Strukturen, sachgerecht zu bewerten, so dass voreilige Schlussfolgerungen vermieden werden können. Auf dieser Grundlage sind wir bereit, mit allen Verantwortungsträgern zu sprechen.
Wir halten es daher für überlegenswert, dass ein innerstädtischer gymnasialer Standort unter Wahrung der mehr als 100jährigen Tradition der Lessingschule untersucht wird.

Wir, die Mitglieder des Stadtrates, sehen We are the responsibility of the public and invite all interested parties to participate in the solution to this for our city very important issue and to actively participate.

celebrates this year the school at the Lessing Henselstrasse its 100th anniversary. Many celebrities, famous scientists have emerged from it. From our culture - and home to out understanding, we understand the tradition of Lessing Gymnasium as a living fire, that must be passed on to subsequent generations, especially when times are rough and colder.. Just then our society is that fire useful to search for a sense of community and togetherness .

The City Council Kamenz

Heavy Duty Dufflebags

In der Henselstraße herrschen schülerfreundliche Verhältnisse – das nicht einfach aufgeben!

I the current school conflict see both from the perspective of the regional council as well as a former pupil of Lessing-Gymnasium Kamenz:

By 2007, I have the Lessing school building Henselstrasse visited. I have never abandoned me in this time graduation felt wretched conditions: As a student in the chemistry course performance, we were informed a week for 5 hours in chemistry specialist cabinet. In conclusion, reached almost a third of the course members in the written exam, the maximum score of 15 points - a result that it would not have been possible if the house Henselstrasse actual such "degrading conditions" prevailed, as alleged by some teachers. It was very pleasant, physically separate from the younger classes to learn in peace. Even in summer, in contrast to the prevailing home-made road which still tolerable temperatures. The Hensel road as a high school site has other advantages that have already been discussed in many places. This must not simply be abandoned.

why I welcome it as a regional council that there should be an open, unbiased site for investigation Kamenzer future high school site. Quick shots, we can not afford in this important matter, as mayor, Roland Dantz has aptly demonstrated. For me this also means that the current state will not give up easily: the students prior existence of a final settlement proposal to merge into one location, I do not think makes sense. And also in the interest of the students, the upper grade levels will continue to inform the building Henselstrasse at the present conditions.

Lutz Grzonka
former pupil of Lessing-Gymnasium Kamenz
and member of the District Bautzen

Kamenz, the 03/15/2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Akiba-online Not Working

Angst vor Einwohnermitwirkung?

I sat in the audience, as the City Council on Wednesday a request for appointment of competent people in the management committee rejected by a majority.
I raises the question why the factions of the CDU, the two voter groups and NPD could not struggle through for approval. Do you think that in Kamenz is no one who can express themselves competently to problems of schools, nurseries and general management issues? This set from the Mayor and the aforementioned factions over 17,000 residents of Kamenz an indictment that did not deserve the Kamenzer.

I seem to remember that both the mayor as well as the Kamenzer voters' associations have set the goal to strengthen decision-making transparency and cooperation by the Kamenzer residents in the political process. In any case, so the choice was commercial I've seen. How serious are the mayor and the city councils Geppert, Goldammer, Gröbner, Techritz and Schmidt is really with this demand, I had to find on Wednesday in a sad way: they all have refused the application for appeal knowledgeable.

The involvement of citizens in decision-making on the ground yet but really should be a goal of all political actors, or not? The citizens but only to issues such as market design or the mascot for the day of Saxony is to have a say really I think is the wrong way.

Grzonka Lutz, county council THE LEFT

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Acrostic Poems On Islamic Names


»Heute weiss ich, die Wirkung des Schusses trat nicht sogleich ein. Stattdessen geschah ein anderes Verbrechen, unbemerkt von uns, beschützt von der Langsamkeit, mit der es begangen wurde.«


> The book at AMAZON

> The book at TUBUK

"the ball that flies through the novel, each fired Has been? And if so, they will achieve their goal, or will the slowdown tactics of the narrator can not stop this shot? This is the story of a family that is suffering the consequences of an event for which there indeed were many signs and notices, but that has taken place may never. Richard Obermayr has a novel about the most volatile and also written unwiederrufbarste element: time. Day after day it goes through us and accumulates on as a past of which we do not know what happens to her. Is it possible that this time lived behind us more mature, so that those parts of our personalities, we had to leave in order to become who we are today, to unite behind our backs, behind, against us? What if one day the past will no longer need and continues to live without us? "

> Information about the book and its author on the publisher's website

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