Thursday, July 29, 2010

What Does Slightly Elevated Bilirubin Signify

material warehouse with donations Madunda School Ludewa District

private aid in Tanzania

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Are Kidney Stones Or Gall Stones More Painful?

proposed resolution for the City Council meeting on 11 August 2010

establish and manage an information system in the City Council Kamenz

first The City Council Kamenz instructed the Mayor to establish and manage an information system in the City Council Kamenz in 2011 to prepare and include in the budget planning 2011th

second The Mayor is asked the City Council until a decision on 27th October 2010 to present different systems.


require many years the citizens more transparency in politics and administration. Agendas, decision papers, proposed resolutions and decisions must be accessible to anyone online. A person can only participate actively in local politics when he is fully informieren und beteiligen kann.

Ein gut funktionierendes Ratsinformationssystem bringt auch Entlastung für die ehrenamtlichen Stadträte. So sind alle Stadtratsbeschlüsse und Ausschussprotokolle immer verfügbar, auch aus vergangenen Legislaturperioden. Jeder Stadtrat kann selber entscheiden, ob er oder sie die Unterlagen in Papierform erhalten möchte.

Eine leistungsfähige Textrecherche über alle Sitzungen und Vorlagen erleichtert die ehrenamtliche Arbeit der Stadträte. Stadträte, Bürger und die Verwaltung können alle gespeicherten Informationen abrufen und verwenden. Die Arbeit des Stadtrates und der Stadtverwaltung wird dadurch transparenter und bürgerfreundlicher.

The council information system ALLRIS has proven successful in many cities and should be presented as a way to the City Council.

(filed on July 18, 2010)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Laparoscopy Shoulder Pain Lasts

Lietz Club Munich Genforschungslabor in Weihenstephan-2

Lietz Club Munich Genforschungslabor in Weihenstephan

The Lietz senior students of the Munich club visited the State Institute for Agriculture, Department potato LfL in Weihenstehpan to the state of genetic research in potato breeding to learn. 2008 also was the year of the potato and how it is weitergehet with evolution in the age of genetic engineering is an open question. nachzuschauen So enough reasons to u to report nd.

Dr Michael Reichmann , head of the comparatively small Genforschungsabteilung, and his partner from the traditional breeding research Oberrat Kellermann reported in four hours Colloquium with guide a comprehensive introduction to the working methods of breeding and genomics.

the example of potato we were the practical Implementation of genetic engineering in Weihenstephan know. With these targeted interventions in the genome also appear dangers in the "green gene " on which are not clarified until today. The political and ethical debate is in full swing . The so-called "red genetic engineering" or " We ISSE genetic engineering" was with us only mentioned in passing.
Of the four methods of targeted gene transfer of DNA segments in living cells ( gene shuttle with bacteria, mechanical injection, chemical injection or ballistic bombardment with infected nanoparticles ) is used at the regional office in the group, only the potato gene shuttle. These are bacteria from Icelandic geysers used that feel at 72 degrees C at ease. can with the help of the DNA in a small but complex machine (photo) copy. The known en DNS pictures with the black strips are then produced on a machine other inconspicuous. A Gel is infected with the snippet of genetic information and energized and then moves to its size from the anode to the cathode. Under UV light, it can then be visualized with a video camera and showed it. The genome of the potato is now the same as that of the people decrypted, but of course in many areas not yet fully understood.

The potato has been through in their triumphant march around the world, many changes. Even now she shows herself very adaptable. This is an advantage that it can be multiplied to Three Wise Men kann: über den Samen, über die Knolle und über Stammzellen in jedem Blattansatz. Der Kartoffelverbrauch für Speisekartoffel geht derzeit in Deutschland zurück, aber die Anbauflächen für Industriekartoffeln ( für Stärkefabriken oder im Großraum München für Pfanni Kartoffelflocken ) steigt ständig. Für Anbausicherheit und hohe Erträge müssen die Pflanzen ganz bestimmte Dinge erfüllen und vieles wird davon heute genetisch beeinflusst. Da dieses dann wie ein Industrieprodukt patentiert werden kann, entsteht viel Kapital und Macht in der Hand weniger Konzerne. Öffentliche Forschung soll das mindestens kontrollieren und begleiten können. Es schafft but also many fears.

LfL in Weihenstephan has certainly already delivered some notable contributions. has been that maintenance for the famous "Bamberger horns" and allow an industrial potato (almost entirely starch) produced, which is without antiobitikafrei marker generated.

The choice of variety is to be minimized in organic agriculture is a particularly important measure, disease pressure and secure yields and qualities. Taking into account all the above criteria, the respective local conditions to be considered. For the future will certainly be important to decide what varieties can be obtained in sufficient quantity as organic seed.

Michael Gumtau