Sunday, November 28, 2010

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PEG Einkauf ein Superlativ

mid-October 2010, the PEG in Munich together with 350 guests from hospitals, industry, politics and Verbδnden in Schubecks teatro, Mόnchen, its 40th anniversary. She had indeed reason to celebrate. Because their way is a success story.

Issue 06 / 2010 F & W: U. Meurer Chairman Elio Schneider congratulated for the anniversary and called with a quote from George Siemens remember what to remember in the economy of each: "In the long run only bring such business profits that benefit the general public . this principle, the PEG has prescribed. Their main task is the economic promotion and support of its members. f & w accompanied the PEG from the start. Even in our first issue in 1984, the then manager Walter Roscoe spoke up in an interview. Asked about the objectives of the PEG, he said, the cooperative wants the member companies in all procurement problems and in allen Wirtschaftsfragen beratend und helfend zur Seite stehen und zugleich den gesamten Bedarf preisgünstig vermitteln.

Und das hat sie offensichtlich gut gemacht. Denn schon in der dritten Ausgabe von f&w im selben Jahr konnten wir über eine ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung berichten. Der Umsatz sei erfreulicherweise um 14,3 Prozent auf 136 Millionen D-Mark gestiegen. Das ermögliche eine Rückvergütung und eine Dividende von zehn Prozent. Jährlich berichtete f&w über die Generalversammlung. Über die gute, die erfreuliche, die äußerst erfreuliche Entwicklung der P.E.G., über ihre wachsende Bedeutung und über ihren Erfolgskurs. Die Superlative gingen der Redaktion im Laufe der Time off. Membership and sales climbed only above average, then out of proportion, including rapidly. The members were satisfied and the partner houses, so the industry were also there. Professor Ludwig Georg Braun, Chairman and CEO of B. Braun Melsungen AG, named the 25th anniversary of the PEG, the silver anniversary of a relationship with good partners. 2002, changed the hospital world.

The PEG could not help it. But they had to deal with it. Max Lux took responsibility in a time of change. Following a global crisis at the beginning of the decade we were in Germany five million unemployed. The troubles in the financing of social systems became more pronounced. In this situation, the PEG has done the right thing: it has shrunk is healthy. Rationalization, streamlined structures and processes reorganized they brought back on track. Everything that PEG recommends that its member houses, she herself has lived in the house. This was rewarded in 2005 PEG wrote back positive numbers. Since 2008, Anton J. Schmidt is the CEO of the cooperative. He recognized early on that the health care industry is the sunrise industry in Germany and that the PEG has the potential to take on an important creative role. With double-digit growth rates it builds on the successes of the 1990s. The editors of F & W has again occasion to report, new superlatives.

Source: f & w 6 / 2010, page 652,

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Friday, November 26, 2010

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IQM Initiative Qualitätsmedizin - 2. IQM-Anwendertreffen

second IQM user conference

routine data, transparency, peer review - the path to more quality in medicine

11/22/2010 13:00 clock - 18:00 clock

Location: dbb forum berlin, Friedrichstraße 169/170, 10117 Berlin

Organizer: Initiative Quality Medicine (IQM)

Zielgruppe : Mitglieder, Interessierte

Über 140 medizinische Fachexperten aus IQM-Mitgliedskrankenhäusern haben das IQM-Anwendertreffen als Plattform zum Erfahrungsaustausch über ihre diesjährigen Schritte auf dem Weg zu mehr Qualität in der Medizin genutzt. Die Teilnahme von Vertretern interessierter Krankenhäuser, der Ärztekammern, des AQUA-Instituts, der Deutschen Krankenhausgesellschaft sowie Krankenkassen ist Ausdruck des steigenden Interesses wesentlicher Akteure des deutschen Gesundheitswesens an der Qualitätsmedizin von IQM.

Zu Beginn des diesjährigen Treffens wurden neu entwickelte Indikatoren vorgestellt. „Mit den Ergebnissen der IQM-Qualitätsindikatoren we identify using routine data since last year in our hospital areas where our processes and structures have potential for improvement, "says Dr. Walter Schlittenhardt, chief doctor of the clinic Helfenstein Geislingen. As of 2011, by including other diseases and procedures, such operations are the heart and the lungs, in the IQM member hospitals for additional quality results. In addition to other 23 indicators for patient safety (AHRQ PSI), check the IQM member hospitals their medical long-term results across sectors with the AOK QSR indicators. The development of these indicators was last topic of the presentation by the competent Head of the Scientific Research Institute of the AOK (Wido).

Following the first joint publication of results on the Internet's peer review process this year marked the common quality work at reasonable payment. Peer review procedures are carried out in eye-catching quality results, to detect possible weaknesses in treatment processes and structures and to remove. The IQM Peer Review process is characterized in particular by the fact that the peers who support the Chief Medical collegial working on the ground, even senior consultants from other member hospitals are. Basis of these discussions are constructive and critical retrospective analysis of records treatment of specific cases. This year, for the first 21 IQM peer review process conducted. Prof. Dr. Giesbert Knichwitz, chief physician of the Malteser Hospital Bonn / Rhein-Sieg and one of four speakers on the topic yesterday was his team are already benefiting, "I was impressed by the culture of open discussion. I found the practical solutions as a real contribution to further improvements in quality in my department "


first IQM program User Meeting 2010

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second IQM User Meeting 2010 - Welcome

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Salzlandkliniken finanziell angeschlagen - Privatisierung ist eine Option

privatization is an option

Salzland struck hospitals financially

District Ulrich Gerstner includes the privatization of the country hospitals are no longer salt.
Photo: Archive / Weissenborn
Aschersleben (mld). In light of the shortage of liquidity include District Ulrich Gerstner (SPD) a sale of the hospital is not longer. The waves around the county clinics Aschersleben-Staßfurt and the entire hospital holding company for the Salzlandkreis turn up. On Wednesday, the managing director of the clinic Aschersleben-Staßfurt, Melita Planert, expected to leave for four weeks of their activity. Background are the desperate economic circumstances, the reasons for the administration of the salt district, the support of the institution. Meanwhile, district administration Ulrich Gerstner said in his capacity as chairman of the hospital holding on for calm: "emotions get us nowhere. We definitely need more rest. The clinical care is assured. "Across from the Super Sunday, he explained that the clinic approach adopted in the spring" was put on hold. " The under-funding of hospitals will be left, according to the district administrator, especially in the coming year at all locations of the clinic holding deep scars. According to the preliminary business plan for 2011 is threatening a two-digit million deficit. Ulrich Gerstner, "I will not paint black, but the draft der Wirtschaftspläne sehen sehr bedenklich aus. Für alle Einrichtungen!“ Aus seiner Sicht müsse in zwei Richtungen schnell und konsequent gehandelt werden. Es muss weiterhin um das Vertrauen der Patienten geworben werden und zum anderen die Kostenseite massiv ins Blickfeld rücken. Der Landrat: „Das derzeit erarbeitete Fortführungskonzept genießt oberste Priorität.“ Vor dem Hintergrund eines steigenden Defizits in zweistelliger Millionenhöhe im nächsten Jahr, sei eine Privatisierung der Kliniken an allen Standorten aus seiner Sicht zwischenzeitlich eine Option. Der Landrat: „Hinzu kommt das Problem, dass wir auf kommunaler Ebene, den durchaus verständlichen Lokalpatriotismus nicht haben überwinden may. "The clinic concept was further specialization from the individual sites and thus a waiver of benefits deneinzelnen locations.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

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care MOT: LSG NRW allowed publication of transparency reports on the internet

The Decision of the Social Court of Münster (S 6 P 35/10 ER, local blog entry from 04.11.2010), with the publication of results of the so-called "care-TÜV" was prohibited on the internet, has now been repealed by the Social Court of North Rhine-Westphalia.
A nursing home in Bocholt had received an audit by the national federations of the care funds from the average of the 64 individual criteria, only the overall grade of 4.3.
The system of care notes and their posting on the Internet is legal according to the LSG NRW, if the notes on a neutral, objective and expert quality control of the competent medical Service of the Health Insurance (MDK) are based.

misrepresentations and distortions are to make credible from the home. This was present from the nursing home but did not happen sufficiently.

Even if the defects are eliminated in some cases already is irrelevant. It should be on the test date to make and transparency reporting agency so far a snapshot dar.
The objection that there currently is no nursing scientific basis for assessing the quality of care, reach for the decision of the LSG is unfounded. The legislature was aware of this and yet the process for producing transparency implemented and evaluated so that the information needs of the population is higher than a generally scientifically safe procedure.

Here is the decision in full text:

I am not responsible for external links.

Monday, November 22, 2010

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Der Krankenhaus-Einkauf als strategischer Wettbewerbsfaktor

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Landkreis setzt Krisen- und Sanierungsstab ein

County Crisis and Restructuring Department is a

OF LARS GEIPEL , 12:11:10, 20:01, Updated 12:11:10, 21:34
Standort Aschersleben
The staff at the hospital at the site Aschersleben must reckon with hard cuts. (PHOTO: SUZANNE THON)
Bild als E-Card versenden image as an E-Card
ASCHERSLEBEN / MZ. will now get serious: In view of the dramatic financial situation of the hospital Aschersleben-Staßfurt has Gerstner Ulrich District (SPD) is now a rehabilitation clinic's internal staff and formed a district-site emergency response team. "Raising the Game. We have to respond and move forward with the renovation," said Gerstner.

The clinic staff is internal restructuring, according to Gerstner's words, under the direction of clinical Holding's Managing Director Peter Löbus. "Are represented in the body in which staff from all hospital sites and the various professional groups, all available around the hospitals to the test. Processes, structures, personnel, costs. There can be no more taboos. The only way to the difficult economic tackle situation, "said district administrator. In addition, the refurbishment of bar the expert, the supervisory board of the Holding was commissioned to develop a viable going concern concept already, is to elaborate and implement emergency measures quickly. Supports

, the committee of district-site emergency response team, consisting of the head of the audit office of the district, Thomas Mich Ling, and the director of investment management, Babette Senst. "They will represent the interests of the district as a member of the hospital holding company and just see what happens to the money of the council and the sites," said District Administrator Ulrich Gerstner further.

background for the drastic measures was the declaration of bankruptcy, the Peter Löbus, had made managing director of the clinic holding, Friday before last week in two staff meetings at locations in Aschersleben and Staßfurt. A disastrous third quarter with a dramatic decrease of 730 patients in July, August and September had torn a large hole two million euros in the cash and drive the institution to the brink of ruin. Although District Gerstner had promised that the county will tighten as a partner a financial rescue. But all experts agree that it is also the highly indebted Salzlandkreis not afford even the short term, can "keep afloat", the hospital Aschersleben-Staßfurt. Therefore likely to view the financial and health experts, the clinical landscape in the salt district, which consists of the locations Aschersleben, Staßfurt, Schönebeck and Bernburg, are facing a dramatic change. Although the outcome of the investigation of the assessor will only be available in December. But it is an open secret that in view of four hospital sites in the salt district already has a large bed over-capacity. Add to this the population by the year 2025 Salzlandkreis live almost a quarter fewer people.

What that means exactly will officially say no. But an expert on the hospital scene is very sure that now only the choice between plague and cholera states: "The costs must be reduced, or they create the problem from the neck." That means job losses or sale of hospital units.

had really hoped the supervisory board of Holding clinic, just to get around it. For this, the members had decided in the spring, a clinic approach that provided the concentration of medical centers at the four sites. However, there was controversy from the start about the fact that the stationary accident and reconstructive surgery go Aschersleben and should be operated only in Staßfurt outpatients.

The highly emotional debate sharpened acutely in recent months. It culminated in Demonstrations, which in Staßfurt up to 5 000 people protested against the concept, and in hundreds of supervision complaints against District Gerstner. Has found the culprit for the patient break-in: "I strongly believe that the loss of confidence resulting from the protests from the room Staßfurter am." The mayor sees Staßfurt René Zok (Independent) differently: "The difficult situation is the result of failed clinic concept."

Posted by email from blog "health economy"

Friday, November 19, 2010

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double-entry budget completely transparent

What did the community Jork near Hamburg and our Kamenz in common?

Andreas Koch

We have to thank Wolfgang Schubert, now at least two similarities are known. First, the municipality York is such a thing as Lessing community. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing married here on 8 October 1776 his beloved Eva King. Second, the community has
York as a so-called double-entry Kamenz budget.

are now plans for financial experts not easy and it is in my view, totally normal, that all parties have to gain experience, and sometimes, something must be practiced. As City Councillor I carry specific responsibility for the budget of our city. Even when it reaches the City Council meeting on 15.11. with the budgetary act quickly went, it's certainly the most different city councils and councilors Sun like me, I want maximum transparency! Here, however, until the next budget for action. The congregation makes

York before it. In and then right under the "Quick find" goes to council information system. So I imagine it to lose an excellent transparency without getting lost in unnecessary details.

about such a council information system, the city administration also Kamenz. What is missing is a module for the Internet capability.

the way the community has Jork 31 Dez. 2009 11.691 inhabitants (Wikipedia), or about 5,000 residents less than Kamenz and its districts (by December 31, 2009 17 171 residents also according to Wikipedia). One thing I do not want

just as in York. Here, the paper documents for the City Council were in a short time to market the system abolished.

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Thilo Sarrazin - Prophet? Martyrs? Enfant terrible?

thoughts on dealing with the opinions and facts from his book

Thilo Sarrazin has written a book: "Germany does away with itself", he subtitled. Even before it was published, he was exposed to attacks and abuse from all quarters, including from the left. He has lost his job (ALG II, he has probably not apply anyway) and now he is by his comrades and from the Partei ausgeschlossen werden. Das alles kenne ich aus wenig rühmlicher Vergangenheit, das war ein Nagel am Sarg der DDR. In einem Sammelbändchen des Eulenspiegel-Verlages mit sarkastischen und ironischen Spruchweisheiten fand ich das Sprüchlein „Wer die Wahrheit geigt, dem schlägt man die Geige auf den Kopf“. Also hat mich das vereinte Einprügeln auf den Autor neugierig auf seine Ansichten gemacht. Seit Wochen beiße ich mich förmlich durch sein Buch, lese viele Sätze drei, vier mal, um dahinter zu kommen, was wirklich gesagt werden soll und was damit beabsichtigt wird, und ich bekomme große Erfurcht vor denen, die das in ein paar Stunden geschafft haben. Aber man ist eben nicht mehr der Jüngste! Meine Erfurcht reduced, however, the further I progress and realize that it may be the examination of Sarrazin's views not so far away, and that many of my esteemed politically interested people reject it, even though they have not read the book. Maybe I'm

something dusty with my view, but I think that can not be the style left and we can not deal with frivolous and superficial society is so important issues such as unemployment, poverty, education, education and integration. If we have left many elderly to compulsory lessons learning year and political party training something worth preserving, then these are the still effective tools and methods, context to get to the bottom and find out the causes of social phenomena - just what we acquire earlier though, but could not apply.

If a system produces, under the given conditions, phenomena that in the interests of society can not be accepted, then one can declare
a) the existence of these phenomena as invariably, they do not just take note of, or deny it. In all these cases it is fine out Everything can thus remain as it is. You need the conditions and the system to change anything.
b) accept the phenomena take note of her presence be. Then you have to be willing to changing circumstances and if necessary the system.

is here, in my view the real conflict, the closest Thilo Sarrazin. He is relentlessly open phenomena that everyone (it will) do watch every day. As it is usual for a number of people heard the he is after all, supported them with irrefutable numbers, statistics and development graph. This is certainly to his credit. He has taken quite a few politicians rigorously its head from the sand and now they run excitedly to each other from fear, to have to do something about what they do not even see it.

But when it comes, will develop ideas for solution he is not far. According to the principle "of the robbed is to blame," he pushes the responsibility for the deletion of the phenomena to victims and does not seek it from those who are the design of the conditions responsible for their creation, much less man seeking in the cord defects in the system. How can he, too? He is even acting person in this system. Thilo Sarrazin has not written his book in order to change something in that system, but out of fear it could be ruined.

Now some might ask why the Schubert busy with it? Has to do is not enough to waste charges, Day of the Saxons, the city budget and other things we ? Worry As long as that which describes Sarrazin, even in our community into irradiated and observed there, it is our problem. We must find our answers in the solutions here and in the demands that we hold in other places.

The theory of knowledge says that lies between the objective and the subjective perception of the truth, and that is in every man a little bit different. Each door is flung open, presents a new closed, which is confirmed every day in the natural sciences and is just as true in the coexistence of people. So I invite each reader and each reader of this blog, with me now and again on the subject Sarrazin to discuss book, and I hope many comments.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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Federal Constitutional Court: married couples with various church affiliations have to pay church tax

This question drives many to: Does a spouse church tax paid to the church to which he heard where his other spouse or any other belonging to a church?

The Federal Constitutional Court has recently decided once again that the legal rules that cause attraction to the church tax are unconstitutional. Procedurally different judges do not have the constitutional complaints accepted for decision.

The Federal Constitutional Court explains:

The complainants live in so-called faith different marriages, which are characterized by the fact that only one of the spouses belongs to a legitimate church tax. Please contact is against the use tax to the church or against the use of the special church money as a manifestation of the church tax. This is based on different legal regulations in individual countries, in this case Bavaria, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia, and in part to concretizing provisions of the tax authorized churches themselves (see Article 140 of the Basic Law in conjunction with Art 137 para 3 sentence 1 WRV).

Acceptance conditions for joint decision related to constitutional complaints are not available. Them is not a fundamental constitutional significance is still their adoption for the enforcement of these rights appears.

are granted for the decision essentially relevant constitutional issues already covered by the law of the Federal Constitutional Court clarified by the TRUE THAT THIS law and specialized courts of constitutional factors concrete answers. In particular, the Federal Constitutional Court stressed that, although not for income-tax income of the legally determined not a church belonging to spouses, but may well cost the life of the church belonging to spouses are the subject of taxation. If given the difficulties in determining the living expenses as an indicator of the economic performance of the church belonging to the spouse of this effort by the joint income of both spouses is measured is against this constitutional objections.

meet after the decisions challenged no constitutional concerns.

for external links I am not responsible.

Monday, November 15, 2010

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Our opinion on the financial regulation and the 2011 budget of the city Lessing Kamenz

Since the 2010 financial year set up the budget in the city Kamenz according to the rules of the local double-entry bookkeeping. On 8 September 2010 was introduced to the household with his results and financial budget and the investment program from 2011 to 2014 the City Council Kamenz in its fundamentals. Further discussion in the groups and the city council took place. On 25 October 2010 the Mayor presented the main priorities of the draft budget before the residents 2011auf Assembly. After a two-month discussion period today, the budget proposal for decision.

The total budget consists of the financial results with revenues of EUR von fast 22,1 Mio € und zu leistenden Auszahlungen in Höhe von 23,4 Mio €. Der Fehlbetrag des Ergebnishaushaltes in Höhe von 1,3 Mio € resultiert aus dem Saldo der nicht zahlungswirksamen Erträge und Aufwendungen. Nach SächsKomHVO-Doppik kann im Ergebnishaushalt ein Fehlbetrag veranschlagt werden, wenn der Zahlungsmittelsaldo aus laufender Verwaltungstätigkeit mindestens der Höhe der ordentlichen Tilgung entspricht. Das ist mit 448000 € gegenüber der Tilgungsrate von 441000 € im Jahr 2011 erreicht, so dass der vorliegende Entwurf gesetzmäßig und vollzugsfähig ist.

Wichtige Investitionsschwerpunkte für den Haushalt 2011 und den mittelfristigen Planungszeitraum include:
• Implementation of measures in line with the fire protection plan needs
• Renovation of Kindergarten in Käferland LÜCKENDORF 2011
• drinking water supply in 2011 Spittelforst
• establishment of a functional building for the monastery church of St. Annen and redesign of the school course in 2011
• Establish a public toilet in the station area in 2011
• design of the memorial in Herrental 2011
• Cornerstone improving the road sector Herrental, Neschwitz, Saxony Road 2011-2013
• Water playground for children in 2012
• Redesign August - Bebel - Space 2012

The implementation of the 20 Day of the Saxons from the 2nd to 4th September 2011 will be a cultural highlight in Kamenz. The total financial requirement is € 1.3 million. € 700,000 allocated by the state needs given the host city, according to adoption of the Saxon Ministry of Finance. The planned own share of the city Kamenz is € 159,040.

Other priority tasks for 2011 and following years:

• Appropriate provision of nursery and kindergarten places in the city Kamenz independent of the proposed resolution of the Youth Services Committee of the county in Bautzen, the exclusion of children whose parents unemployed, by limiting the service times, we think anti-social and not appropriate for children. Every child needs attention and holistic education. All-day learning is demanded as a quality criterion for school children. This must also apply for child care facilities as a recognized training places! Therefore, there is the part of the democratic political groups in the City Council consensus that children in the institutions of the city Kamenz the care hours are not restricted.

• Preservation of the school building Henselstrasse as a high school site, together with the district of Bautzen, we must find a just solution to students for the school sites in the city Kamenz.

• An inner-city sports hall for the pupils of the 1st Middle school is urgently needed to meet the physical education curriculum to secure. The district as school is under obligation.

• Medium-term rehabilitation of the child care center Wiesa

• "The city Kamenz has continued to take the intense interest to the region and the artistic landscape of Saxony goal of establishing a Georg Baselitz-house. The city Kamenz is ready to contribute on the basis of this concept, the land and buildings of the former Mercy pin as part of project implementation. The city Kamenz provides for the investment capital at a level ready by about 1 million €. The City Council asks Kamenz the region and the Free State of Saxony, to take the project to take advantage of the opportunities and drive the development of the house. The investment to the city Kamenz is provided from the year 2009 "(according to Decision no. 0366/2008).

The Group of The Left of financial regulation and the budget of 2011 does in its present form. We ask the Lord Mayor of the City Council on the progress of implementation of double-entry accounting to report until April 2011.

The opening balance is crucial for the amount of capital (money), for household income (depreciation) and to balance the budget. Therefore, it is necessary to opening balance in 2011, the City Council introduce . Many questions in preparing the opening balance sheet, the administration, including the local councils to decide. This decision process should be made more understandable and transparent.

The Group of The Left. City Kamenz
published by Marion Young, Group President

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InEK-Kalkulation und Kostenträgerrechnung in psychiatrischen Kliniken (Mario Birr)

InEK-Kalkulation und Kostenträgerrechnung in psychiatrischen Kliniken

Mit der Umstellung des Abrechnungssystems von tagesgleichen Entgelten hin zu Tagespauschalen holt die DRG-Welt nun auch die Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik ein. Inwiefern sich die Art und Weise der für die InEK-Kalkulation erforderlichen Kostenträgerrechnung nach § 17d KHG von der des DRG-Systems unterscheidet und worauf es dabei ankommt, werden Sie in diesem Seminar erfahren. Dabei wird auf die Grundzüge einer Kostenträgerrechnung sowie auf die Besonderheiten bei der Kalkulation von Tagespauschalen für die Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik eingegangen.

Ihr Nutzen

You get tried and tested know-how

  • the methodological development of a cost accounting for psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine, and practical solutions,
  • to help in implementation,
  • for dealing with resistance or antagonistic attitude within the workforce.
The specific practical benefits for you:
are presented solutions that were developed in practice and are used in the pretest.


  • schedule by the cost-unit accounting based on the manual calculation InEK
  • Requirements for cost element and cost center accounting
  • service entry and documentation quality
  • construction therapeutic benefits packages
  • acquisition of direct costs
  • possibilities of plausibility
  • services of HIS vendors
  • evaluation of a data warehouse as a tool
Managing Director, Head of Office , head of finance and accounting, commercial controller, calculator and other staff employed with this issue of psychiatric hospitals, hospitals with psychiatric departments and their makers

René Berton
Deputy Managing Director, Pfalz Hospital for Psychiatry and Neurology - AdöR - Klingenmünster

Mario Birr
assistant to the hospital management, project costs and cost accounting, Theodor-Wenzel-Werk eV Berlin
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Die oben genannte Gebühr enthält: Ordner und PDF-Dateien, Mittagessen, Getränke.

Als Ergänzung bietet sich unser Seminar "Kaufmännisches Controlling in der Psychiatrie" am 10.12.2010 in Düsseldorf an
(Seminar-Nr.:7330) .

Gerne bieten wir Ihnen dieses Seminarthema auch als Vor-Ort-Seminar an. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie hier .

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Friday, November 12, 2010

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Congress and Exhibition

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Hartz IV: pension income is

Ein Arbeitnehmer, der Leistungen nach dem SGB II – Arbeitslosengeld II - bekommt, must be possible to deduct at least part of its contributions to an occupational pension as income. Where these amounts are treated as income to reduce the unemployment benefit II
The Federal Social Court on 9 November 2010 decided that just under 30 € - as much as the minimum capital contribution to the Riester promotion - as a "franchise" is appropriate. If everything will be paid, will the rest counted as income and also the inferior performance of the state.

Federal Social Court, Judgement of 9 November 2010, B 4 AS 7 / 10 R

Press Release of the BSG:

I am not responsible for external links.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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(None) parents is not neglecting the children?

entertain the parents their children must know that. The fact that children and their parents pay in certain cases, must penetrate gradually into the individual and social consciousness. Once there, it immediately calls the slogan "unfunded cost of care" in which discomfort and triggers disgust with the children. But really it is but right that the chat now adult children have their parents, after all, the parents have done so with devotion.

is, what if the parents do not just have everything you need and more devoted, so that their children fared well? Children can refuse to pay maintenance for the parents because they have violated its maintenance obligations. In principle, yes, parents have their own maintenance duties to a grossly neglected children, so children need only contribute to the maintenance in the amount to be done, which is equitable. The obligation falls away completely if the use of children would be grossly unfair to § 1611 BGB.

In einem aktuellen Fall, den der für das Familienrecht zuständige XII. Zivilsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs entschieden hat, kam es zum Streit zwischen dem Sozialamt, das den Unterhalt für die pflegebedürftige Mutter geltend machte, und dem Sohn. Die Mutter, die sich seit April 2005 in einem Pflegeheim befindet, litt schon während der Kindheit des Beklagten an einer Psychose mit schizophrener Symptomatik und damit einhergehend an Antriebsschwäche und Wahnideen. Sie hat ihren Sohn nur bis zur Trennung und Scheidung von ihrem damaligen Ehemann im Jahr 1973 - mit Unterbrechungen wegen zum Teil längerer stationärer Krankenhausaufenthalte - versorgt. Seit spätestens 1977 there is virtually no contact between the son and his mother.

The son claimed that he had treated his mother as a child never good. It would be an undue hardship if it had to pay to the welfare agency by virtue of a transfer for the maintenance of the mother.

saw the family Senate different: A mental disorder which has led to the dependent parent of the former family to support his child over could not be just, not as culpable misconduct within the meaning of § 1611 Civil Code with the consequence of a loss claim can be considered.

required by law because of family solidarity as fated to justify qualifying the mother's illness and its impact on the defendant is not imposing, the maintenance burden to the state. Is different, however, when a discernible relation exists for a action of the state, or about then when the mental illness of a dependent parent and the consequent inability to care for his child, based on its use in the Second World War. Social concerns, which preclude a transition of the maintenance claim to the Authority may also from the social welfare law Bid arise to take the interests and family relationships into account. The exclusion of the claim passes to the welfare agency is thus limited to exceptional cases.

BGH, Judgement of 15 September 2010 - XII ZR 148/09

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Whats Muchus Like When Pregnant

As with Web 2.0 and social media marketing can attract new patients from KU

Health Management 11/2010 ( )

Due to the rapid growth of social networking sites are seeing more companies to bring social media as a new way to own the company into the "conversation". Facebook takes on over 10 million active users per day, a German the most central room. The age group with the largest user growth remains continues to be the segment of the over 35 year olds.

hospitals avail themselves of this market but so far only very subdued. However, there are already examples of how healthcare companies imWeb to 2.0 successfully position. The authors give tips (see full article in PDF format).

Posted by email from blog "health economy"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pain Neutralization Tech

custody: placement of the child in the home violated the father's rights

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hatte in einem Verfahren des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes folgenden Fall zu entscheiden:

Nach der Trennung der nicht verheirateten Eltern streiten diese sich und das Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht für die mittlerweile 12-jährige Tochter. Die Mutter, alleine sorgeberechtigt, hatte die Familie verlassen und verlangt nun die Übertragung des Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrechts up, so that publication of the daughter.

basis of expert opinion wanted the courts, the district court Soest and the Higher Regional Court Hamm, bring out the child in the father and put in a home, even though the now twelve year old daughter had stressed time and again to stay with the father to do, where it is also adequately supplied.

The father has lodged a constitutional complaint and requested an injunction. The Federal Constitutional Court has ruled that the daughter remains until a decision on the substance with the Father and not against their will by their Hauptbezugsperson getrennt, aus ihrem familiären Umfeld gerissen und in eine ihr fremde Heimeinrichtung verbracht wird.

Bundesverfassungsgericht, Az 1 BvR 2414/10, Beschluss vom 30.9.2010

Volltext der Entscheidung:

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nice Fairweather Prom Dresses

care MOT: assessment of nursing home may not be published - or is it?

The grading of a nursing home may be published as they apply to a neutral, objective and knowledgeable carried out quality control the medical service of health insurance is based. This was decided by the 8th Division of LSG in a Hessian on Wednesday, 3 November 2010, published decision.

The operator of a nursing home had obtained against the publication of a quality assessment by the care funds before the Social Court of Frankfurt a socio-judicial expedited hearing.

The Darmstadt judge lifted this decision to now and, therefore, of long-term insurance law.

The legislature requires the state associations of the care funds to services and quality of care homes to be published (§ 115 para 1a SGB XI). This should improve market transparency and comparability can be achieved by quality control.

The objection of the nursing home operator, the test results were based only on subjective impressions of the examiners without appropriate findings of fact, were the judges of the Hessian State Social Court does not consent: not The applied test procedure is basically inappropriate. In addition, the judges rejected out that the nursing home may request a reply in the published report.

Hessian Social Court, Az L 8 P 29/10 B ER

Already at 26.05.2010 and up to date on 20.8.2010 had decided the Social Court Münster different:

The publication of the transparency report violates the fundamental right violate the nursing home on freedom of occupation.

Besides constitutional concerns, which had expressed the Social Court of Münster, the "care-TÜV according to § 115 para 1 a SGB XI was unlawful. The assessment criteria are not such as to assess the services provided by nursing homes and their quality. In particular, the results and quality of life of the homes could not be assessed accurately in this way, just that the law requires,

adds that the assessment was fragmented and not the determination of the nursing notes for outsiders to understand.. This consumer would rather disappointed as informed.

SG Münster, AZ. S 6 P 35/10 ER
SG Münster, AZ S 6 P 111/10

Find the decision in full text:

LSG Hessen

SG Münster
decision of 05.26.2010 and the case is still pending at the LSG North Rhine-Westphalia (L 10 P 76/10 B ER):

decision of 08.20.2010, the appeal on the SPA was approved:

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mateusz Wilk Knurów

parents to maintain - and stricter criteria for "undue hardship" Hartz IV

The Federal Court has ruled that children can be for their parents to pay maintenance also relied on where the parents their children in their early years were poorly or not cared for, because Mutter oder Vater krankheitsbedingt nicht anders handeln konnte.

Die Trägerin der öffentlichen Hilfe klagte aus übergegangenem Recht auf Zahlung von Elternunterhalt gegen den Sohn für seine 1935 geborene Mutter. Die Mutter litt schon während der Kindheit des Beklagten an einer Psychose mit schizophrener Symptomatik und damit einhergehend an Antriebsschwäche und Wahnideen. Sie hat den Beklagten nur bis zur Trennung und Scheidung von ihrem damaligen Ehemann im Jahr 1973 versorgt. Seit spätestens 1977 besteht so gut wie kein Kontakt mehr zwischen dem Sohn und seiner Mutter

Der Beklagte wendete ein, it was for him an undue hardship to have to pay maintenance because his mother had treated him as a child never good.

The Federal Court ruled that a mental illness that has led to the need of care the former parent's child support obligation against could not be just, can not be regarded as culpable misconduct within the meaning of § 1611 BGB with the consequence of a loss claim. Because of family solidarity as required by law to justify as fated to be qualified the mother's illness and its impact on the defendant is not, the maintenance burden the State in rebuttal.

is different, however, when the facts of life includes social and public interests. This is partly the case if there is a recognizable relation to an act of the state. Such a constellation was the Senate decision of 21 basis, which was based in the mental illness of a dependent parent and the consequent inability to care for his child, on his use of the second world war: April 2004 (XII ZR 251/01 reference). Social concerns, which preclude a transition of the maintenance claim to the Authority can also derive from the social welfare legal bid to take the interests and family relationships into account. The exclusion of the claim passes to the welfare agency is thus limited to exceptional cases

Federal , Judgement of 09/15/2010, A ktenzeichen: XII ZR 148/09