Friday, November 19, 2010

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Thilo Sarrazin - Prophet? Martyrs? Enfant terrible?

thoughts on dealing with the opinions and facts from his book

Thilo Sarrazin has written a book: "Germany does away with itself", he subtitled. Even before it was published, he was exposed to attacks and abuse from all quarters, including from the left. He has lost his job (ALG II, he has probably not apply anyway) and now he is by his comrades and from the Partei ausgeschlossen werden. Das alles kenne ich aus wenig rühmlicher Vergangenheit, das war ein Nagel am Sarg der DDR. In einem Sammelbändchen des Eulenspiegel-Verlages mit sarkastischen und ironischen Spruchweisheiten fand ich das Sprüchlein „Wer die Wahrheit geigt, dem schlägt man die Geige auf den Kopf“. Also hat mich das vereinte Einprügeln auf den Autor neugierig auf seine Ansichten gemacht. Seit Wochen beiße ich mich förmlich durch sein Buch, lese viele Sätze drei, vier mal, um dahinter zu kommen, was wirklich gesagt werden soll und was damit beabsichtigt wird, und ich bekomme große Erfurcht vor denen, die das in ein paar Stunden geschafft haben. Aber man ist eben nicht mehr der Jüngste! Meine Erfurcht reduced, however, the further I progress and realize that it may be the examination of Sarrazin's views not so far away, and that many of my esteemed politically interested people reject it, even though they have not read the book. Maybe I'm

something dusty with my view, but I think that can not be the style left and we can not deal with frivolous and superficial society is so important issues such as unemployment, poverty, education, education and integration. If we have left many elderly to compulsory lessons learning year and political party training something worth preserving, then these are the still effective tools and methods, context to get to the bottom and find out the causes of social phenomena - just what we acquire earlier though, but could not apply.

If a system produces, under the given conditions, phenomena that in the interests of society can not be accepted, then one can declare
a) the existence of these phenomena as invariably, they do not just take note of, or deny it. In all these cases it is fine out Everything can thus remain as it is. You need the conditions and the system to change anything.
b) accept the phenomena take note of her presence be. Then you have to be willing to changing circumstances and if necessary the system.

is here, in my view the real conflict, the closest Thilo Sarrazin. He is relentlessly open phenomena that everyone (it will) do watch every day. As it is usual for a number of people heard the he is after all, supported them with irrefutable numbers, statistics and development graph. This is certainly to his credit. He has taken quite a few politicians rigorously its head from the sand and now they run excitedly to each other from fear, to have to do something about what they do not even see it.

But when it comes, will develop ideas for solution he is not far. According to the principle "of the robbed is to blame," he pushes the responsibility for the deletion of the phenomena to victims and does not seek it from those who are the design of the conditions responsible for their creation, much less man seeking in the cord defects in the system. How can he, too? He is even acting person in this system. Thilo Sarrazin has not written his book in order to change something in that system, but out of fear it could be ruined.

Now some might ask why the Schubert busy with it? Has to do is not enough to waste charges, Day of the Saxons, the city budget and other things we ? Worry As long as that which describes Sarrazin, even in our community into irradiated and observed there, it is our problem. We must find our answers in the solutions here and in the demands that we hold in other places.

The theory of knowledge says that lies between the objective and the subjective perception of the truth, and that is in every man a little bit different. Each door is flung open, presents a new closed, which is confirmed every day in the natural sciences and is just as true in the coexistence of people. So I invite each reader and each reader of this blog, with me now and again on the subject Sarrazin to discuss book, and I hope many comments.


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