Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Google Body browser: zooming into the human body

Google browser Body

zooming into the human body

anatomy trip on the computer: The search engine giant Google has released a 3-D model of the human body. It allows the well-known Google Earth zooms. Muscles, bones, organs can be switched on and off. Anyone who wants can even explore the body from the inside.

Google know how happy surfers stock with gimmicks. Years ago, caused Google Earth for inspiration. How does it actually in the garden next door, hidden behind a high wall? Later we added Google Moon and Google Mars , now even 3-D views supported. And with all the excitement around Street View became almost in the background that virtual walks are very popular especially among the Germans.

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DISPLAY & click target = _blank "> / mirrors & click target = _blank "type =" application / x-shockwave-flash "allowscriptaccess =" always "wmode =" opaque "height =" 250 "quality =" high "width =" 300 ">

The search giant from Mountain View, knowledge of all the world wants to store on its servers, has the principle of the zooming now to explore the human Body transferred. With the application Body browser, Google has provided a detailed 3-D model into the net. It requires a browser that supports WebGL. Google's own Chrome browser dominated this standard, but for example, Firefox 4 beta. (Note: The link to Chrome at the Body-browser page of Google is wrong - here Download it ).

When calling Body browser is showing a boy dressed in shorts and sports bra woman. Whoever the next adjacent control slowly pushes it down, skin and clothing is always transparent - the underlying muscle strands are visible. And so it goes level by level and on. When pushed further, the controller, the muscles disappear - and bones, internal organs, nerves and blood vessels appear.

Naturally, the body free to rotate - and who wants to can zoom in on specific body parts. The zoom journey ends not on the body surface - it goes well into the interior of the body. As it will become really exciting: Am I in the stomach? Or is it the liver? Fortunately can be switched on labels that will help lay the anatomy.

who want to can even view the nervous system and muscles at the same time. Because the transparency can be adjusted each fine, remains No detail hidden.

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The idea of a transparent human body is not new. As early as 1930 was the occasion of the 2nd International Hygiene Exhibition in Dresden a glass man presented . It had built the taxidermist Franz Tschackert. In a jam factory Dresdner he could use a large steam boiler in order to hot water vapor to form the plastic Cellon - the transparent outer skin.

time was the man of glass as a technical and scientific sensation. Viewers could light up the internal organs by pressing a button in succession. The exhibit was a major export of the museum's own workshops in total were prepared according to the museum about 30 pieces. Up today in the Dresden Museum of Hygiene shown glass woman was built in the early eighties.

is noteworthy that both Franz Tschackert and Google were the first to create a transparent woman. The developers of the Google Labs will soon provide for equal rights, however: "A male model coming soon, "they promise.


Posted by email from blog" health economy "

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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Symposium für das Krankenhausmanagement: Schritt für Schritt zum Krankenhaus der Zukunft

seminar forecast:

management, healthcare & shopping in line of holistic Procurement process?

Thursday 14 April 2011, 9.00 - 17.00 clock

Moderators & Speakers (as of 12.2010)

- Prof. Dr. Hartwig Bauer

Secretary General - Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schmid GF
Chairman District Hospital Reutlingen

- Barbara Schulte
Economic Management Board

Göttingen University Clinic - Dr. Michael Keller
Strat. shopping Rhon AG

- Mr Helmut Drummer
Head of Materials Management Department Stuttgart

- Dagmar Jehle
Head of Project Management Städt.
Hospital Munich

- Birgit Leps
CEO EKK clinic counseling

- Prof. Dr. Martin Schilling
Homburg Uni

Contact: Christoph Pelizaeus

christoph.pelizaeus @

Information and registration:

Posted via email from blog "health economy"

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cant Connect To The Pctv Server

resolution calling for the abolition of the requirement criteria in child care facilities for the district of Bautzen "

Kamenzer The City Council will be for the removal of the circular order of Drs 1/338/10 "Bedarfskritierien in day care centers for the district Bautzen" use and following resolution on 15 December 2010 adopt and send to the district of Bautzen. Tell us what you think and mix in with the current discussion! Only together can we change the order of the Youth Services Committee 1/338/10 DS in terms of a needs-based child care.

resolution on the proposed resolution of the Youth Services Committee DS 1/338/10 "criteria required in day-care facilities for the district of Bautzen"

Kamenz City Council may, to the full extent of the content the "opinion of the district working group of the leading voluntary welfare organizations" from 4.5.2010 Connect, which reads as follows:

Our basic understanding of the structure of the offer in childcare facilities, we attribute to the § 24 SGB VIII, the following terms:
"A child has attained the dent age three to school age entitled to attend a kindergarten. For children under three and for children of school age are required places in day care centers hold. The support of public youth welfare have to work out that a demand-oriented all-day places zur Verfügung steht."

Kriterien für einen Bedarf zum Besuch einer Kindertageseinrichtung können aus unserer Sicht nur im Kontext einer professionellen und individuellen Beratung zwischen Eltern und den pädagogischen Fachkräften der Tageseinrichtung erstellt werden. Mit einer solchen Einstiegsphase kann die Grundlage für eine nachhaltige Elternpartnerschaft gesichert werden. Unser gemeinsames Ziel muss es sein, Kindereinrichtungen zu Orten der Eltern- und Familienbildung werden zu lassen - dies ist dringend notwendig.

Die Entscheidung des Jugendamtes "In erzieherisch begründeten Einzelfällen über den Umfang der darüber hinausgehenden Betreuungszeit zu entscheiden", halten wir entsprechend superfluous. We believe that the "need criteria" rather than "exclusion criteria" to evaluate. On the one hand, they separate children because of parental participation in all-day situation at the educational opportunities for children in institutions, on the other hand, parents who can not pursue self-chosen situation through no work, a disadvantage in their need for educational support.

We believe that is an urgent need to adapt to the contemporary understanding of education (reference to point 5.1. third Saxon. Children and Youth Report ) to orient. No wonder the children's facilities have been divided into the Ministry of Culture to. In Schulkontext wird ganztägiges und gemeinsames Lernen als Qualitätskriterium für Kinder und Schule eingefordert. Kindertageseinrichtungen als anerkannte Bildungsorte sollten diesem Anspruch ebenso gerecht werden.

Mit dem vorliegenden Beschlussvorschlag wird den Eltern die Kompetenz abgesprochen, dass sie eigene Verantwortung wahrnehmen und selbst nach dem individuellen Betreuungsbedarf der sich aus der konkreten Situation des Kindes und der Familie/Eltern/Elternteil ergibt, entscheiden können, inwieweit sie eine Kita als Unterstützungs- und Ergänzungsangebot nutzen möchten.

Aus Erfahrungen können wir einschätzen, dass die Strategie der Begrenzung und deren Kontrolle in Konsequenz einen erhöhten personnel and administrative expense produce, which is being represented at the expense of the youth office. In the sign of dwindling resources should rather be here an efficient use of resources than in the exclusion of children and families.

City Council Kamenz speaks from the above social and educational grounds, to the maintenance or expansion of the Youth Services Committee by order of the district of Bautzen 31.05.2010 requirements specified criteria.

The city Kamenz supports all efforts to ensure the financing of child care by the Free State. From this perspective, we see cities and towns and counties in a joint responsibility.

Support the intention of the resolution, please let us know that.

Marion Young, Group President

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children are not excluded from the care in daycare centers

The Youth Services Committee of the district Bautzen "need criteria" for the care of children in nurseries and kindergartens should be assessed the denomination does not deserve. Rather, they specify in which employment situation of parents, the children should be excluded from care. With 6 approvals, 2 rejections and no fewer than 5 abstentions in such an important matter for the decision was adopted, without a real majority. Ensure that the information provided, more for its adoption as agreeing!
The Management Committee has chosen to practice this exclusion in the facilities of the city Kamenz not apply. Linked to this, however, is assuming financial responsibility for the city Kamenz. The thing is really not all that easy. I want to start at the simplest problem - funding. I agree with Thomas Lieberwirth that we would also have a difference of less than 100 000 € (to the could be, for after the first over) to shovel out of the budget if we would provide all administrative expenditure has to be reviewed.

The far more difficult problems of a then 9 of every day for the children of Hartz IV recipients free care hours are the effects on the social conditions of the children in their families and to assess the financial performance of the city by the district office (where, for example mismanagement and crony contracts settle just been to a doubling of waste charges have caused), which is a so comfortable passing practice probably get used like would. I want to go but only to the situation of children.

first It is here only to children whose parents did not have jobs, and basically have all day time for their children would have. The moment in which the parents can pursue a job is no longer the question.

second It is not about freedom of choice of care, but the assumption of parental contributions for exceeding the stipulations of the Youth Services Committee of care of the city and the question whether this is desirable or not.

third These are the parents very often (not always) have to drive inefficient and weak people who are competent to perform the educational role of little reluctant, or both. 80 to 85% of their practices (including the less desirable or not!) Children acquire in the family. These facts are undisputed and social education would lead to the conclusion, the children in the interest of their life-chances as much as possible out of your problematic family environment and to enable a quality-guaranteed and controllable social environment. That would be in the interest of the children .

4. The then virtually all-day care of children in a daycare center will inevitably lead to a weakening of relationships with their parents and reduce their parenting skills. This in turn leads to some devastating effects in an age of the children where they no longer have the opportunity to be serviced with adequate facilities (at end of primary school, entering puberty). So this is not in the interest of the children .

Where is the truth in this balancing act? A prize for the one who knows! Flat rate, or general as you'd like to say otherwise and it is in my view not to answer. Clearly, however, the youth services committee of the group's task is not done properly: It starts with the choice of words "the need is ..... regulated. A need but you can find at most recognize as legitimate or not. It continues in the decision (clauses 1.1 and 2.1) with a single word to the needs of the children but to the parents. Is not the focus of the Youth Services Committee! Unfortunately, this is also in other contexts like confused to the detriment of the children.
have the child and his family environment are seen to arrive at an optimal solution for the child in each individual case, and the guarantee is not always at the maximum . Possible care time in the day care center, but to maintain or even the development of parenting skills DEEMS

a possible way out of this dilemma, I see the following:

- ; mandatory establishment of the council on the adoption full cost of the care for vulnerable families in all social educationally justified . The justification is for the head of the kindergarten and one of their official duties. The youth welfare office may refuse only in cases of proven false assessment. The assessment of need a full-day care can only be their level of development of the child and his social situation made by experienced professionals who know both of the child. The decision of the Youth Services Committee would have to be modified in this direction. This should be achievable, because the decision is with the minority of votes in the Youth Services Committee adopted (6 of 13 yes, in the case ultimately have the 5 heroic Appears provided).

- taking over the costs of care through the city Kamenz on the proportion of the youth office out only when social services, the assumption of the full costs of care declined to a conference of parents by the head of the nursery is done and the advocates.

- Improving the counseling and training for parents through the educational staff of the kindergartens, and inclusion of those services in their working time fund.

- creating a new service offering of 7.5 hours per day for the nursery.

- Perhaps the coupling beyond the requirements of the provisions of the Youth Services Committee support time with the perception of parental education.

With a trivial financial decision, the problem is not solved, I believe, and I can therefore agree with any decision, which reduces it to that platform.

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Decision on care services for children's facilities in the city Kamenz

The Youth Services Committee of the district of Bautzen has from 1 September 2010, the periods of care in the nurseries for children from families with no employment restrictions. For the children of non-working families from the district Bautzen only a care needs of 4.5 hours per day in the crib and 6 hours per day is provided in kindergarten. In justified Individual cases decided by the youth welfare office about the extent of excess service time.

The exclusion of children whose parents are unemployed, by limiting the service times, we think anti-social and not appropriate for children. Every child needs attention and holistic education. All-day learning is demanded as a quality criterion for school children. This must also apply for child care facilities as a recognized training places! Therefore, there is the part of the democratic political groups in the City Council consensus that children in the institutions of the city Kamenz the care hours are not restricted.

on the next City Council meeting 15 December 2010, we want to decide this . The problem I see the additional costs to be borne under the proposed resolution by the parents themselves, when social services is not the application for extension of time approved care. The land, the counties and municipalities must take joint responsibility for the education and care of children! Each child must be of equal value and receive the same educational opportunities. The

the district of Bautzen, in its responsibility to the children and families to withdraw is not acceptable! must therefore all citizens in the district of Bautzen against this anti-social Policy to defend. is first reduced in the children's and youth work, care hours in the day care center - restricted area, now no more money to support integration of disabled people, large reduction in the promotion of family education, etc. - how long do we tolerate this? A redistribution in the budgets help the weaker ones, it is possible to better education and support of volunteer work, if it is politically desirable.