Thursday, December 9, 2010

Best Wordings For Funeral C

children are not excluded from the care in daycare centers

The Youth Services Committee of the district Bautzen "need criteria" for the care of children in nurseries and kindergartens should be assessed the denomination does not deserve. Rather, they specify in which employment situation of parents, the children should be excluded from care. With 6 approvals, 2 rejections and no fewer than 5 abstentions in such an important matter for the decision was adopted, without a real majority. Ensure that the information provided, more for its adoption as agreeing!
The Management Committee has chosen to practice this exclusion in the facilities of the city Kamenz not apply. Linked to this, however, is assuming financial responsibility for the city Kamenz. The thing is really not all that easy. I want to start at the simplest problem - funding. I agree with Thomas Lieberwirth that we would also have a difference of less than 100 000 € (to the could be, for after the first over) to shovel out of the budget if we would provide all administrative expenditure has to be reviewed.

The far more difficult problems of a then 9 of every day for the children of Hartz IV recipients free care hours are the effects on the social conditions of the children in their families and to assess the financial performance of the city by the district office (where, for example mismanagement and crony contracts settle just been to a doubling of waste charges have caused), which is a so comfortable passing practice probably get used like would. I want to go but only to the situation of children.

first It is here only to children whose parents did not have jobs, and basically have all day time for their children would have. The moment in which the parents can pursue a job is no longer the question.

second It is not about freedom of choice of care, but the assumption of parental contributions for exceeding the stipulations of the Youth Services Committee of care of the city and the question whether this is desirable or not.

third These are the parents very often (not always) have to drive inefficient and weak people who are competent to perform the educational role of little reluctant, or both. 80 to 85% of their practices (including the less desirable or not!) Children acquire in the family. These facts are undisputed and social education would lead to the conclusion, the children in the interest of their life-chances as much as possible out of your problematic family environment and to enable a quality-guaranteed and controllable social environment. That would be in the interest of the children .

4. The then virtually all-day care of children in a daycare center will inevitably lead to a weakening of relationships with their parents and reduce their parenting skills. This in turn leads to some devastating effects in an age of the children where they no longer have the opportunity to be serviced with adequate facilities (at end of primary school, entering puberty). So this is not in the interest of the children .

Where is the truth in this balancing act? A prize for the one who knows! Flat rate, or general as you'd like to say otherwise and it is in my view not to answer. Clearly, however, the youth services committee of the group's task is not done properly: It starts with the choice of words "the need is ..... regulated. A need but you can find at most recognize as legitimate or not. It continues in the decision (clauses 1.1 and 2.1) with a single word to the needs of the children but to the parents. Is not the focus of the Youth Services Committee! Unfortunately, this is also in other contexts like confused to the detriment of the children.
have the child and his family environment are seen to arrive at an optimal solution for the child in each individual case, and the guarantee is not always at the maximum . Possible care time in the day care center, but to maintain or even the development of parenting skills DEEMS

a possible way out of this dilemma, I see the following:

- ; mandatory establishment of the council on the adoption full cost of the care for vulnerable families in all social educationally justified . The justification is for the head of the kindergarten and one of their official duties. The youth welfare office may refuse only in cases of proven false assessment. The assessment of need a full-day care can only be their level of development of the child and his social situation made by experienced professionals who know both of the child. The decision of the Youth Services Committee would have to be modified in this direction. This should be achievable, because the decision is with the minority of votes in the Youth Services Committee adopted (6 of 13 yes, in the case ultimately have the 5 heroic Appears provided).

- taking over the costs of care through the city Kamenz on the proportion of the youth office out only when social services, the assumption of the full costs of care declined to a conference of parents by the head of the nursery is done and the advocates.

- Improving the counseling and training for parents through the educational staff of the kindergartens, and inclusion of those services in their working time fund.

- creating a new service offering of 7.5 hours per day for the nursery.

- Perhaps the coupling beyond the requirements of the provisions of the Youth Services Committee support time with the perception of parental education.

With a trivial financial decision, the problem is not solved, I believe, and I can therefore agree with any decision, which reduces it to that platform.


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