Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Butter Equivalent Shortening

3.13 million households in debt

BMFSFJ press release v. 16.03.2005

private indebtedness - and help prevent

In Germany, 8.1 percent of all households in debt , these are 3.13 million households, or 400,000 more than four years ago. The State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Peter Ruhenstroth-Bauer, pointed to the importance of preventing over-indebtedness and debt counseling. "The indebtedness of households is a pressing but often invisible problem indebtedness often leads to poverty and exclusion. Those who have accumulated debt, needs help so he can once again maintain their own and do not live in dependence of creditors or the state must, "said Ruhenstroth-Bauer at the conference" over-indebtedness of households by the Society for Social progress in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Berlin.

The federal government has the theme of indebtedness in its second Poverty and Wealth Report taken. With a strategy to protect against over-indebtedness, the federal government concerned to get out of the debt cycle and prevent over-indebtedness. Not only the creditors suffer damage, and many are over-indebted and their families dependent on government support. To ensure that the economic loss is large, the existence of the indebtedness of households.

a key role in helping the spiral of debt is the debtor and insolvency advisory bodies on the ground. Almost every second, is advised, the debt can have a way out. "Do not debt positions are being eliminated.. There must be coverage they Click the states and municipalities are required to have to break new ground and seeking new partners for example in the banking industry," demanded Ruhenstroth-Bauer. In some provinces have already joined the savings to financing the debt. Unemployed for over-indebted and insolvent, are threatened by unemployment directly, are the Social Code Book II ("Hartz IV") Moreover, the case managers in job centers the opportunity to provide debt counseling.

Consumer bankruptcy is a major help for over-indebted. Im Jahr 2004 gab es 49.123 Verbraucherinsolvenzverfahren. Das ist eine Steigerung um 53 Prozent gegenüber 2003 und ein Beleg, dass das seit langem drängende Problem der Überschuldung privater Haushalte erfolgreich in Angriff genommen wurde. Die Bundesregierung wird das Verbraucherinsolvenzverfahren weiterentwickeln. Es soll noch effizienter werden, ohne die so genannten "masselosen Verfahren" aus dem gerichtlichen Verfahren auszugrenzen.

Der finanziellen Allgemeinbildung kommt - ergänzend zur Familie - im schulischen Bereich eine wachsende Bedeutung zu: Die Nachfrage nach Bildungsangeboten zum Umgang mit Geld und Konsum steigt. Gemeinsam mit der Schuldnerberatung und der Kreditwirtschaft fördert das Bundesfamilienministerium eine kostenlose Tuition assistance for teachers ( are the consumer and financial skills of children and young people supported.

- The brochure "What do I do with my debt?" the Ministry gives advice on insolvency. It is available here free.

- or 01801/907050 (Mon - Fri, 7-19 clock; fixed: 9 - 18 Clock 4.6 cents, or 2.5 cents per minute or part thereof), the nearest debt counseling agency be obtained. This service is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

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