Wednesday, August 11, 2010

People With Personality Disorders Hitler Manson



Friday, August 6, 2010

Free Kate Playground Gallery


Thursday, August 5, 2010

United States Toothpaste Market Share


Seit Mitte Juni liegt der Entwurf der Kamenzer Sportstättenleitplanung den Fraktionen und Sportvereinen discussed before. The group has links with the issue on Monday, 2 August, together with the Deputy Mayor Mrs Schirack and the relevant subject head coach wife and other guests, busy.

After a lengthy discussion, we have agreed on the following priorities:
  • The Sportstättenleitplanung must be concretized in the setting of priorities with respect to investment costs and implementation time.
  • The construction of the sports hall for the first Middle school (and Lessing Gymnasium and vocational training center) is urgently needed, and since 2003 by the County contract (in the shortest possible time?) Agreed, therefore priority: short notice!
  • An analysis of the still valid concept for the development of sports facilities in the city Kamenz missing (what have we achieved since 2000 and what is not?).
  • The Sportstättenleitplanung is complemented by other policies. Urgent action is needed in the Directive on the promotion of sports clubs in the city Kamenz. There are different treatment of urban societies, as the city's sports halls without charges and the-district sports halls with (high) fees can be used. his goal of a new Directive, the principle of equal treatment for all city sports clubs in the sports promotion!
Other suggestions und Veränderungen können die Bürger/innen, Sportvereine und Fraktionen in die aktuelle Diskussion bis Ende August einbringen. Wir bitten um eine rege Beteiligung.

Marion Junge

Monday, August 2, 2010

Worksheet On Fire Risks

Roggenstein archive

breakpoint 1927 185/421954409_d03018ae8b_o.jpg

1935 construction of the station

bahn amazed

1931 view from the management to Eichenau black plan

Eichenau 2007

Regional Plan 14 Green Zones

Leite autumn

Eichenau highlighted in 1953 houses jpg

sketch, 1907, Municipal Archives, 368039736_7480279ba2_o.jpg  




Urkarte 1808 1:25 000 anderer Baubestand!   

Werewolf Spells That Work

street lighting in Eichenau

Straßenbeleuchtung in Eichenau

Ich habe die ersten Verträge zur Einsicht erhalten und die Einsicht in den Wartungsvertrag beantragt. Früher waren die Verträge Bestandteil des Konzessionsvertrages und gingen vielleicht damit auch der Beachtung verloren.


Es sind die

a) Straßenbeleuchtungsvertrag – lief bis 32.3.2009, ohne Verlängerung, derzeit offen

b) Stromlieferungsvertrag- läuft bis 32.12.2009, automatische Verlängerung wenn keine Kündigung, (anlage Schaltzeiten noch nachfordern)

c) Wartungsvertrag – Data after the next GR meeting

All contracts were signed on 6.5.2008, on the basis of the old EON contracts.

The electricity supply contract b) is almost problemslos because it is the political will to buy in come energy and better not with a provider. We currently pay approximately 16CT per kwh that is contractually 10.7 plus administrative charge and current tax rate.

interesting But the calculation that shows that the supplier has no interest to use less power consuming lamps.

The current consumption is aberechnet flat rate, watt for the lamp times an unknown number of years burning hours. As the years burn time is ermitttelt, I try to find out more. The contract is said to nothing! If the power consumption of the bulb decreases, so does the revenue side of the supplier. The bulbs, which we have built roads invielen to about 1993, 3x12 W, or 36 W. Thereafter, only High pressure lamps with about 70 W used (very different prices for the bulbs - su)

for the annual calculation of power consumption we will pay additionally for each focal point 1.20 euros as a kind of "fee" for that we must pay. Overall, to say that dasVerhältnis has been immersed consumption of fixed costs to appear in the last 20 years. The fixed costs appear to have equal or greater than the operating costs. We should try to get more accurate numbers.

The street lighting contract a) is obviously expired at the moment, as no automatic renewal is provided. At the conclusion some problems were already evident since he completed only one year and it seemed doubtful whether the purchase the lights from the supplier of electricity and Projketierers plant without notice is right. given a test should be performed. Probably referring sic h die Bemerkung desGBM ein „Guta chten“ sei in Arbeit, darauf. BGM Kränzlein hat inzwischen ein Gutachten bei Fred Münch eingeholt, das der Gemeinde vorliegt, mir aber noch nicht bekannt ist.

Der Vert r ag sieht vor, dass der EIGENTÜMER der Beleuchtungsanlagen die KommEnergie ist. Diese erhebt je Brennstelle (Lampe) eine jährliche Benutzungsgebühr von ca 25.- Euro ( 20 Euro plus Steuer plus eine unbekannte Anzahl von Tariferhöhungen auf Löhne / Price adjustment clause)

Since community a law has controlled traffic back-up and lighting requirement, the community needs for provide identification if lights do not all night to burn. The owners entumsverhältnisse the system see s before that only the consumables and LAMP STARTER remain the property of the municipality and is paid by them in case of failure. Meanwhile, there are lights, the gl e icher Wattzahl die doppelte Lumenmenge abgeben (ich habedieBAuverwaltungdarüber informiert) – also könnte die Leistungsaufnahme unabhängig von son s tigen technischen Verbesserungen reduziert werden.

Sollen irgenwelche anderen Leuchten im öffentlichen Raum betrieben werden, die nicht Straßenlampen sind, so muß der Eigentümer gefragt werden und kann nicht näher spezifizierte technische Anforderungen stellen .

provides for the user fee, the owner and supplier of electricity for the a) maintenance (maintenance) and b) repair (restoration in case of damage) of the network, the focal points and Steuerungseinrichtugen , all belong to him.

(It is unclear how many burners are destroyed each year without a loss polluters pay for it, so the owner pays himself - I guess one per year) for maintenance includes all 5 years of complete exchange all lamps (regardless of their func o plosive) with cleaning the tubs.

decision of the GR to improve facilities.

Just like the GR offensichlich the administration was in the decision a year ago, assuming that the lighting systems, the the citizens have paid the levy, the public ownership are.

The agreement provides, however, that the Gmeinder such a decision could not grasp. The text reads: § 4.1, Paragraph 3 'site changes ... will come from projected energy and druchgeführt. The cost of the V centage change with the communication ne. " The unanimous decision GR was thus not be implemented.

c) the maintenance contract:

Here is the luxury version been decided. I remember the discussion, because I had not agreed because I did not want EON with the inserted additional maintenance for then EUR 30 000 was charged. Meanwhile, however, many focal points have been added, so I to the current standard d nothing can be said and we have to wait for the information.

to the bulbs.

As in Hello neighbors already reported, we have equipped a number of roads in the 80 years of saving lamps. Even if one of the three rods failed, so the remaining two erzeugnten sufficient illumination of the road. When I inquired why, five years ago, why we bought at EON only one model with expensive high-pressure mercury lamps, I got no reference to the contractual situation, only the information, Eon sell the light 20% below the price of the manufacturer. A lamp with Wuecksilber or sodium costs about 100th - € Steuer.Da without the lamps are replaced every 5 years, but they go broke too few. You will then be disposed of anyway, bevpr they fail. Wiso esdann the Luxury and service contract is unclear.

There are now npreiswetere lamps which consume much less are the technology of undes Frquenzänderung Dimming and reduce the consumption for the same number of lumens essential. The industry, the one province to perform in many communities to request funding from the conversion of the money saved. Solely for environmental reasons, to use less energy, we wanted to do that for you. How come the energy for a sustainable energy policy will be obtained locally?

Gu 18/04/2009

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Can Exercise Cause Elevated Ggt Levels