Monday, February 28, 2011

Can I Get Herpes From Dry Humping?

seminar Hospitals 2011: Quality and cost pressures - efficiency potentials of recognizing and Take advantage

23/03/2011 until 03.25.2011 at the Hotel Taschenbergpalais, Dresden

Hospitals 2011: Quality and cost pressures
efficiency potentials identify and take advantage

  • quality and cost competitiveness
  • motivation of nurses
  • hospital hygiene in the field of view
  • process optimization and efficiency improvement
  • collaborations with contract doctors
  • Current and Future Focus
  • health policy implications of demographic trends
  • The health of the future
  • New structures in the sectorial supply

For detailed program and registration:

Posted via email from blog "health economy"

Friday, February 25, 2011

How Long Does Agooseberry Bush Live For

BSG: Ein Fernsehgerät gehört nicht zur Erstausstattung einer Wohnung

services for the purchases a dwelling including the appliances are required by the rules in Book II, not to provide the needy through its standard benefits, but also grant it from the respective service provider.

So far, so good! A homeless man has been so entitled to such as furniture, washing machine, etc., if they receive a flat for the first time. Also include a TV that? After all, should probably be in every German home a TV.

That court does not so, as follows from the press release on the 24/02/2011 at the spoken sentence.

Der beklagte Leistungsträger sei nicht verpflichtet, als Erstausstattung für die Wohnung auch Leistungen für ein Fernsehgerät zu erbringen. Zur Erstausstattung einer Wohnung gehörten nach ständiger Rechtsprechung des Bundessozialgerichts wohnraumbezogene Gegenstände, die für eine geordnete Haushaltsführung und ein an den herrschenden Lebensgewohnheiten orientiertes Wohnen erforderlich seien. Hierzu zähle ein Fernsehgerät nicht. Es sei weder ein Einrichtungsgegenstand noch ein Haushaltsgerät. Dass ein Fernsehgerät zum täglichen Leben gehöre und etwa 95 % der Bevölkerung ein entsprechendes Gerät hätten, führe zu keiner anderen Assessment. Arts, information needs, communication - all of which must be paid out of the control demand.

Since a TV is much more expensive but more than, say, a cinema ticket or a magazine, so obviously new already costs more than the standard rate accounts and used would be a big part to swallow its only there is the possibility the cost of a loan to get the service provider. In response to a provision, the BSG has an explicit reference in his decision.

Judgement of 24/02/2011, file number B 14 AS 75/10 R

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Funny Womens Bowling Shirts

Einmal Chefarztgattin – immer Chefarztgattin? Wie viel Unterhalt bekommt die erste, wie viel die zweite Ehefrau?

The is commonly known, Who can divorce, comes to the upkeep is a must. In most cases, pay the man and the woman receives. But how much is the maintenance between spouses? This question has long been as clear as clear: it depends on the marital relations, is thus not generally calculated according to tables as in child support. The income of the divorced individual was - put simply - are added and then divided by two. The relevant income has been charged against the so-determined maintenance requirements. Until 31.12.2007 the marital relationships for the time of divorce have been identified. Those who were divorced wife as the head physician could virtually the rest of his days living as a Chief doctor's wife received. In addition to the many affected men was then the legislature unjust and renewed with effect as of 1.1.2008 the maintenance law. Maintenance after divorce can now be more limited in time and reduce the amount of everything from the point that the divorced spouse must generally pay for themselves for a living. Furthermore, the ranking of dependents in the event that the debtor is not in a position to provide them with all maintenance (so-called lack of case), have been defined: If, during the minor children of the first rank is assigned, divorced and new spouse rank equal in principle. Chief Medical wife goodbye!

This new legislation has prompted the Federal Court in a landmark ruling to determine how much maintenance can require a divorced spouse, when a new spouse is present. With Judgement of 30 July 2008, he has for the first time a maintenance obligation towards a new marriage partners in the assessment of the needs include the divorced spouse, considering that the maintenance needs of the divorced spouse must be determined by his income as well as those of the debtor and the new spouse together and divided by three (so-called tripartite method) would. In einer Kontrollrechnung sei anschließend sicherzustellen, dass der geschiedene Ehegatte höchstens den Unterhalt erhalte, der sich ergäbe, wenn der Unterhaltspflichtige nicht erneut geheiratet hätte. Immerhin seien der alte und der neue Ehegatte gleichrangig; zudem zeigten die Regelungen zur Befristung und Höhenbeschränkung des nachehelichen Unterhaltes, dass sich die ehelichen Lebensverhältnisse nach der Scheidung zulasten des Geschiedenen durchaus ändern könnten.

Damit ergab sich die Situation, dass bei der Ermittlung der Höhe des Geschiedenenunterhaltes vor einer Wiederheirat die Einkünfte der Geschiedenen durch zwei, nach the re-marriage but are divided by three. The principle disadvantage of the divorcees and even if the new spouse has very high income, because the Divorced maintenance is limited by the sizing up may be required on the amount that would have been before the remarriage.

This discrimination is tilted from now: The Federal Constitutional Court by order dated 01.25.2011, 1 BvR 918/10, explains the tripartite method unconstitutional. The jurisprudence of the Supreme Court wrongly replace the legislative decision to base the determination of maintenance needs by own ideas of justice. The stand the Court is not. The Constitutional Court has annulled a decision of the Saarland Higher Regional Court, which had applied the Supreme Court case law, and rejected the new decision. It will be interesting what the Supreme Court case law from the new location.

Federal Constitutional Court , decision of 01/25/2011
- 1 BvR 918/10 -

I'm not verantwortich for external links.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fcold Sores And Hypothyroid

Mr. Ertel and the "Citizens Initiative"

After the
Kamenzer flown by the NPD handle columns "happy" should be conducted properly and in any case behind the light, it is probably time to do something to say!

In the SZ Bischofswerda local issue, has been reported about how to put the police in Kamenz "in a disused school on the street artist" prepared gunmen and similar black journeymen crafts. Thereupon I wrote to the city desk:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I was interested in your local edition of 20-21. November, that article read. Maybe yes, he calmed some minds in the present terrorism hysteria. However, I would have found it for good, if not would have been only "a disused school on the maker road" is mentioned, but also the fact that this is the building of the former police academy and this building with the cost of several million Euro foreign rehabilitated (thermal protection, plus plaster coat), with second escape routes and complete (a few hundred) new windows have been provided to then used as an object for the tactical training in firearms, and so to the state of practical unusable be. Or I come here already at the limits of press freedom?

got Sincerely
Wolfgang Schubert

course, I sure no answer!

equally obvious conceals that also Mr. Ertel on its glossy leaves, as it also conceals that for a "training and information center" (or something like that) so far no approach has been presented, neither the content and organization, and certainly not financially. He fails to pay as the alleged "investor" wants the whole thing and so on. In short, here is a political mirage, with which you would like to pretend the Kamen Zern, moreover, no other real use option to signatures and thus to ultimately move to a decision in the spirit of the NPD. One can only hope that as no one goes to this glue! The

my position is this: first

Whether one likes it or not, there are still politically and culturally persecuted people around the world who seek refuge from persecution and must have a right to seek asylum - even in Germany, and they have the rich Germany is entitled to decent housing . Even German people are the killing machine of the spiritual fathers of the NPD escaped only by the fact that they have other countries asylum granted haben.

2. Für die Rahmenbedingungen, die für die Unterbringung gelten, können die Asylbewerber nichts, ebenso wie wir als Stadt Kamenz nichts dafür können. Eine von mir vor längerer Zeit gestellte Anfrage, ob es nicht möglich wäre, diese Menschen dezentralisiert in den überall im Überfluss vorhandenen leerstehenden Wohnungen unterzubringen, wurde mir dahingehend beantwortet, dass dies politisch nicht gewollt sei, weil es dann vor der Entscheidung über den Asylantrag zu einer unerwünschten stärkeren Integration der Asylbewerber kommen würde. Ebenso ist der Umgang mit abgelehnten Asylanträgen nicht Entscheidungsraum der Gemeinde, sondern des Landes. Es ist ein Skandal, that pass after being rejected for years until a decision on the question of stay or not stay. Right there is where most social problems, but they are not to wear by the polluters, but by the citizens in the area of asylum centers. A solution in such a way that these people are as deep in the forest and no transport links to bring is inhumane, in my eyes.

third The decision as to where the asylum seekers are housed, is a matter of the district , not the church! The housing applicants will be transferred to the counties by the state government as a compulsory task . So if the building code requirement is not designed for such use of the former police academy without a reliable ground that I see for the county only nanoPEG to implement them in court or to seek other options for housing the asylum seekers. In terms of the Kamenz would in any case, socially and financially, the poorer solutions. Precisely for this reason, the City Council with the exception of Mr. Ertel for the site of the former Police Academy has begun. A placement in a different city or town would be conceivable, but would only mean the passing of the doubt to a refugee center related problems in a different municipality.

4th With very high cost, the building was renovated the former Polzeischule outside. Fortunately, it has been renovated yet in, otherwise the financial loss even greater. But what will become of it? The control means used to get only this meaning that the building again a use is supplied. The money, which by then is still needed to be spent anyway: Here in Kamenz or elsewhere! Also omits Mr. Ertel.

Incidentally, with the building of the former SED district leadership, the Lord's Ertel and he would like to sell, but he has an excellent offer for the "investor", which is a wants to build "Training and Information Center"! Or he trusts him not to?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why Did I Get More Cervical Mucus On Day 19

common ASEAN visa

ASEAN is about "the strategic plan of the Tourism sector 2011-2015, "which includes four goals, agreed the Indonesian news agency ANTARA quoted from the press show of the ASEAN Secretariat. The four objectives are to promote the ASEAN region as a single destination for tourism, establish the standard of the ASEAN tourism through a certification process to enable the tourism experts to work in all ASEAN countries and the tourists in ASEAN countries that are in possession of a single visa to go to leave.

This strategic plan is the result of the meeting of the 14 ASEAN-M Iniste of Tourism, which took place on 17 January 2011 in Phnom Penh. The plan received die Unterstützung von China, Japan und Süd-Korea. Die drei Länder sind bereit, der ASEAN Hilfe zu leisten, um den Erfolg von diesem strategischen Plan im Tourismusbereich sicherzustellen.

zusammengefasst von Oon Sahroni
aus der indonesischen Zeitung KOMPAS v. 24.1.2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jesse Jane Stream Online

*** Newsletter "Nazi-free - Dresden is located across!" ***
Dear friends and friends of the Alliance,
love anti-fascists and anti-fascists,
this is again typical of Dresden: The Nazis allowed their historical revisionist
torchlight march on 13 February by lead, while anti-fascist activities is forbidden!
On that day wanted to show our alliance a Mahngang on the trail of the perpetrators of the Nazi
to carry around, that Dresden during the Nazi was not an innocent city. The justification of the civil office of the prohibition of this action is absurd:
anti-fascists and anti-fascists to be exiled to the New Town side of the Elbe, while the Nazis Old Town side will take place where the human chain of Mayor march, may.
for us can only mean: We are still calling and now even more so on to provide the historical responsibility - a venue for the 'offender program "on 13 February is the Comeniusplatz at 11.00 clock.
The mobilization for the 2.19 runs really well! We are confident that we will continue this year with 250 buses to Dresden. We continue to need places to sleep for blockaders and blocker in Dresden. Please register here if
you have empty beds and the 12./13.2. or at 18./19.2. people can take.
This address can also log in from outside people who need more beds.
on a good block!
We will continue to keep you informed. For latest information please check out whatever dasWeb 2.0 on the website, the Facebook page or Twitter.
Below you will find dates for events within the Alliance, contact information and alleWeb 2.0 offers.
with anti-fascist greetings,
"Dresden Nazi free!" / dresden.stellt.sich.quer / dd_nazifrei / user / dresden Nazi-free
Information Office Dresden :
Bishop Place 6

01097 Dresden Tel: 0351 / 899 68 45
opening times: Tuesday 15.00 - 19.00 clock, Wednesday 14.00 - 18.30 clock, Friday 15.00 - 19.00 clock
Dates :
07/02/2011 07/02/2011 Lecture Panel Discussion Event Info Berlin Bonn

02/07/2011 02/08/2011 08/02/2011
Berlin Blockade training event info weimar
02/08/2011 Meeting of active Münster
09/02/2011 blockade Training Berlin Erfurt reading
02/09/2011 09/02/2011
blockade training Weimar Berlin

09/02/2011 Event Info Event Info 2/10/2011 10/02/2011 Erfurt
Infomeetings Cologne
02/10/2011 Infomeetings Grimma

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Paintball Air Splitter

INDONESIA visas on Board

Garuda Indonesia hat offiziell Visa on Board (VoB) eingeführt. Dieser Durchbruch kann die Zeit so verkürzen, dass die Touristen bei der Einreise nicht für ca. zwei Stunden in der Schlange stehen müssen.

Die Erteilung des Visa on Board ist offiziell an die 168 Passengers of Garuda Indonesia GA 881, from Tokyo to Denpasar on Monday (1.2.2010) introduced. The first entry into force of VoB by the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik testified. He welcomed the Japanese tourists who have just landed at the airport Ngurah Rai. Wacik is optimistic that the issue of VoB that is introduced for the first time in the world who can make the tourists happy.

is by this measure, the Minister Wacik optimistic that the rising number of tourists to 2.5 million people in 2010 can, which in 2009 is 2.3 million people. For a VoB the Fee of 25 USD, valid for 30 days paid. The commercial manager of Garuda Indonesia, Agus Priyanto said that Garuda Indonesia will introduce VoB for the flight from Korea, China and Australia.

translated content from Sahroni

Orings For Cressi Sub

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Posted by email from blog "health economy"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How Soon After Taking Ativan Can I Drink

declaration of the City Council of the City Kamenz to NPD -

Kamenzerinnen love love Kamenzer,

in our City has formed an initiative that makes an effort with the slogan "No Asylum Home in Kamenz" a public petition.

First of all, that citizens' general practice a form of direct democracy are complementary and urban policy in a meaningful way. However, it should also be clear who is asking for support. Wer eine ehrliche und faire politische Diskussion führen will, der sollte nicht nur das Ross, sondern auch den Reiter nennen. Dies gebietet die Fairnis gegenüber den Bürgern, deren Unterstützung eingeworben werden soll. Warum geben sich die Unterzeichner, die ausschließlich NPD-Mitglieder bzw. deren Sympathisanten sind, als solche nicht klar und deutlich zu erkennen?

Eine die Menschenwürde achtende Unterbringung von Asylbewerbern ist aus unserer tiefen Überzeugung eine Pflicht – völlig unabhängig davon, ob es in Kamenz, Bautzen, Hoyerswerda oder anderswo geschieht. Wir haben uns als Stadtrat dafür eingesetzt, dass in dieser – sicherlich nicht leichten – Frage ein vernünftiger found a compromise between the district and the city was, which is also been supported by the population Kamenzer far as possible. As a result, the district has decided that the asylum center is housed in the building of the former police academy and that the current location is closed on Garden Street.

The NPD is here across misled about the true goals of the citizens' initiative. "Foreigners out!" Is the goal. Therefore, it is done under the guise of democratic possibilities of feeling against foreigners, in this case asylum seekers. Here are emotions stirred up by false links. Of course it annoys you as a citizen, if the garbage fee be increased. But it is honest and honorable, to link the issue of asylum? No, this is worst demagoguery! Also: we have had in recent past serious incidents or publicity is not the applicant's home in Garden Street just put back into the public spotlight when it came to the debate site in Kamenz?

The asylum is a fundamental right enshrined in the Basic Law. We consider it our duty to help people in need and for a coexistence of different cultures to stand in our city Lessing. Our constitution and the legacy of Lessing committed for political or religious motives persecuted people, have to fear at home to life and limb to protect. If this should occur conflicts, we must under the current German laws out a solution without violating the human right to asylum.

bear the initiators of a public decisions ultimately the responsibility for the outcome. Here is suggested that the responsibility lies for or against a home for asylum seekers in the city Kamenz. But this is not the case. This task falls exclusively to the county. He decides where he wants to build a home for asylum seekers. A citizens' initiative in Kamenz can not bind the district Bautzen in his decision. Because a different message suggests , it is the attempt to manipulate the citizens of our city.

Dear citizens,

would the alternatives in the area of Jesauer road in the area of Garden Street and in the area of the settlement really the better way? If the alleged investor really lift EUR 500,000 for the purchase price and the strength to an investment in the millions? Reliable facts and facts are missing yet fully occupied.

The Kamenzer citizenship, so you have to take it in hand, as citizens responsibility. Investors to act in the world looking on Kamenz and just this year - the day of Saxony - Lessing our city is particularly in the public eye.

We should - have presented as a cosmopolitan city where prejudice is no place - with a sense of reality and without displacement of problems.

This declaration, all the city councils of the fractions THE LEFT, CDU, FDP, CDU Kamenz and district, CDU "We Kamenz for" and the mayor of the city on 2 Kamenz Signed in February 2011.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

List Of Origonal Poekemon

visa on arrival (Visa on Arrival) Bahasa Jerman

unofficial working translation of Sahroni

SOURCE in the website of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia


Article 1

is explained in this decision: first

The visa on arrival is a visit visa which is granted by the order by the Director General of Immigration to the foreign nationals upon arrival in Indonesia.

second The audit review of immigration is a specific audit review of immigration, which is authorized to issue the visa on arrival.

third The Special Economic Zone is a certified by the government as a special economic zone.

Article 2

The visa on arrival is to the foreign Citizen to tourist, social cultural, business purposes and for government affairs in the light of the benefit principle of mutual benefit and security be implemented.

Article 3 (1) The visa on arrival is granted by the immigration officials at the foreign nationals of certain countries upon arrival in Indonesia on the specific audit review of immigration.

(2) The specific countries, and are meant in paragraph (1) mentioned in the Appendix.

(3) The audit review of certain immigration and are meant in paragraph (1) listed in Appendix II.

Article 4 (1) The visa on arrival is granted to foreign citizens with certain conditions.

(2) The specific conditions and in paragraph (1) are meant: a.

the travel document or national passport at least 6 (six) months validity;

b. not in the list of the travel ban are;

c. the proper fee

articles pay 5

The visa on arrival is for the stay of 30 (thirty) days issued under the condition:

a. a visa can be extended up to 30 (thirty) days werden;

b. das Visum kann nicht in ein anderes Visum umgewandelt werden.

Artikel 6

(1) Das Visum wird in Form eines offiziellen Stempels oder Aufklebers im gültigen Reisedokument oder nationalen Reisepass ausgestellt.

(2) Die Form, die Redaktion, die Art und das Index des Visaaufklebers sowie der Stempel, die im Absatz (1) gemeint sind, werden durch die Verordnung des Generaldirektors für Immigration bestätigt.

Artikel 7

Das Visum bei Ankunft in Form eines Visaaufklebers wird an den bestimmten Überprüfungsort der Immigration durch die Abteilung des Visums bei Ankunft ausgestellt.

Artikel 8

The visa on arrival may be issued in certain special economic zone.

Article 9

Once this Decision enters into force the Minister, the decision of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Number M-04.IZ.01.10 of 2003 on a visa on arrival and any final changes in accordance with the decision of the Minister Justice and human rights-05.GR.01.06 M.HH number of 2009 on the eleventh amendment to the decision of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights number of M-04.IZ.01.10 2003 repealed the visa on arrival and declared invalid.

Article 10

This decision of the Minister is valid since the confirmation date.

So everyone knows, is used for the purpose of this Ministerial Decision enacting the Law on the State Report of the Republic of Indonesia.

Confirmed in Jakarta on 12 January 2010

The Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia


laws adopted in Jakarta

On 12.Jänner 2010

The Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia


The State Report of the Republic of Indonesia from 2010 Number 12


The decision of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia

number: M.HH-01.GR.01.06 from 2010

Date: 12 January 2010


first South

second Algeria

third United States von Amerika

4. Argentinien

5. Australien

6. Österreich

7. Bahrain

8. Belgien

9. Niederland

10. Brasilien

11. Bulgarien

12. Tschechische Republik

13. Zypern

14. Dänemark

15. Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

16. Estland

17. Fidschi

18. Finnland

19. Ungarn

20. Indien

21. England

22. Iran

23. Irland

24. Island

25. Italien

26. Japan

27. Deutschland

28. Kambodscha

29. Kanada

30. Südkorea

31. Kuwait

32. Laos

33. Lettland

34. Libyen

35. Liechtenstein

36. Litauen

37. Luxemburg

38. Malediven

39. Malta

40. Mexiko

41. Ägypten

42. Monaco

43. Norwegen

44. Oman

45. Panama

46. Frankreich

47. Polen

48. Portugal

49. Katar

50. Volksrepublik China

51. Rumänien

52. Russland

53. Saudi Arabien

54. Neuseeland

55. Slowakei

56. Slowenien

57. Spanien

58. Surinam

59. Schweden

60. Schweiz

61. Taiwan

62. Timor Leste

63. Tunesien und

64. Griechenland

Der Minister für Justiz und Menschenrechte der Republik Indonesien,



Der Beschluss des Ministers für Justiz und Menschenrechte der Republik Indonesien

Nummer: M.HH-01.GR.01.06 vom 2010

Datum: 12. Jänner 2010


A. Flughafen

1. Sultan Iskandar Muda, in Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

2. Polonia in Medan, Sumatra Nord-

3. Sultan Syarif Kasim II in Pekanbaru, Riau Inselgruppe

4. Hang Nadim in Batam, Riau Inselgruppe

5. Minangkabau in Padang, West Sumatra

-6. Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II in Palembang, Süd-Sumatra

7. Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta

8. Prime Halim Kusuma in Jakarta

9. Husein Sastranegara in Bandung, West Java

-10. Adi Sucipto in Yogyakarta

11. Ahmad Yani in Semarang, Zentral-Java

12. Adisumarmo in Surakarta, Zentral-Java

13. Juanda in Surabaya, Ost-Java

14. Supadio in Pontianak, West-Kalimantan

15. Sepinggan in Balikpapan, Ost-Kalimantan

16. Sam Ratulangi in Manado, Nord-Sulawesi

17. Hasanuddin in Makasar, Süd-Sulawesi

18. Ngurah Rai in Denpasar, Bali

19. Selaparang in Mataram, West- Nusa Tenggara

20. El Tari in Kupang, Ost-Nusa Tenggara


1. Sekupang, Citra Tritunas (Harbour Bay), Nongsa, Marina Teluk Senimba und Batam Centre in Batam

2. Bandar Bintan Telani Lagol und Bandar Sri Udana Lobam in Tanjung Uban, Inselgruppe Riau

3. Sri Bintan Pura in Tanjung Pinang, Riau Inselgruppe

4. Tanjung Balai Karimun in Tanjung Balai Karimun, Riau Inselgruppe

5. Belawan in Belawan, Nord-Sumatra

6. Sibolga in Sibolga, Nord-Sumatra

7. Yos Sudarso in Dimai, Riau

8. Gulf Bayur in Padang, West Sumatra

-9. Tanjung Priok in Jakarta

10. Tanjung Mas in Semarang, Zentral-Java

11. Padang Bai in Karangasem, Bali

12. Benoa in Badung, Bali

13. Bitung in Bitung, Nord-Sulawesi

14. Soekarno-Hatta in Makassar, Sulawesi

Süd-15. Pare-Pare in Pare-Pare, Süd-Sulawesi

16. Maumere in Maumere, Ost-West Nusa Tenggara

17. Tenau in Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Ost-und

18. Jayapura in Jayapura, Papua.

C. Andere ORTE

1. Entikong in Entikong, West-Kalimantan.

Der Minister für Justiz und der Menschenrechte Republic Indonesien,

Patrialis Akbar

Inexpensive Luggage Tags

petition for municipal services in 2025

needs restructuring the local economic activity in typical regions of East Germany under the terms of the demographic development and the intensification of the structural Defizite in der kommunalen Finanzausstattung

So lautete der Titel einer Veranstaltung die mich am 09.12.2010 nach Hoyerswerda führte. Veranstalter war das Verbundnetz für kommunale Energien / Ein Diskussionsforum ostdeut-scher Kommunalpolitik . Eingeladen waren Bürgermeister, Stadt- und Gemeinderäte sowie Aufsichtsräte und Führungskräfte kommunaler Unternehmen. Die Ver-anstaltung sollte als Landesveranstaltung für Sachsen fungieren. Eine regere Teilnahme wäre bei etwas besserer Witterung sicher möglich gewesen, am Thema lag es auf keinen Fall!

Vorgestellt wurde eine aktuelle Studie gleichen Namens, die für jeden nachlesbar ist .

The introduction should review the Saxon State Minister for Home Affairs Mr Ulbig hold. He was rushed to the coalition meeting and sent to Berlin as a representative of Mr. Arens, Head of Division 2 of the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior.

Stark shortened it related to the possible controlled demolition of municipal infrastructure in respect of municipal activities of cities and towns. Who's still does not believe should fly over the said study and a more extensive study on the above mentioned homepage at least.

What "spirit" of the policy of the CDU - guided State Government of Saxony was breathing at one point the statements very clearly. Mr. Arens pointed strongly to the statement of § 97 paragraph (1) of the Saxon community order with respect to the municipal housing companies (local government for the Free State of Saxony (SächsGemO) of 21 April 1993 Legal Adjusted as at 1 August 2008).
There is the legal text carved: "... In the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing industry, the community also to work towards that which is secured to the appropriate management of the housing-housing stock necessary credit and investment capacity and the company directly or indirectly owned housing stock no dominant Position occupies. " This was implemented by 2015, Mr. Arens.

Developments in Kamenz is so full in the sense of bourgeois politics. The sale of extensive parts of the housing stock by the credit sale to housing association forced bankruptcy to a so-called investor, now enters a new private "major suppliers" and "competitors" in the "housing market" in Kamenz. This is from investment reasons, or if not, then it is interested only limited to his benefit to a citizen-designed in the interest of dismantling of housing stock. The city
Kamenz and housing association were not financially in der Lage zu kaufen!

Wie die Kommunen also notwendige strukturelle Veränderung auf einem so wichtigen Bereich der sozialen Vorsorge wie dem Wohnungswesen gestalten sollen, ohne die notwendige Gestaltungskraft zu haben, bleibt Herrn Arens sein Geheimnis.

Ähnlich gelagerte „Rahmenbedingungen“ durch EU, Bund und Länder betreffen auch die anderen Bereiche der Kommunalwirtschaft.

Auf der Homepage wurden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der VfkE-Studie Kommunalwirtschaft 2025 wie folgt zusammengefasst:

Zum ersten Mal wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied in der Bedeutung kommunaler Unter-nehmen in den neuen Bundesländern im Vergleich zu jenen in den alten Bundesländern nach-gewiesen. The local economy in the new federal states in all the tested functions - especially as employers, wage payers, value creators and investors - have a higher economic importance as a municipal services in the old federal states. For example, the meaning is as an employer by 46 percent, meaning an investor by 83 percent over that in the former countries.
has refuted the thesis of the 'tyranny of the municipal sector. Germany wide are only 2.3 percent of workers employed in local companies. In West Germany the proportion is 2.2 percent, in the new countries at 3.2 percent.
The differences in meaning Municipal Services East and West Germany can be statistically secured primarily to the differences in the density of industry back. The lower the density of industry in a country, there is the higher the importance of the local economy.
are also with our own future research methodology developed for the study finally comparative studies for different time horizons possible.

at this point I was only able to outline a few things very coarse, but of course you stand for questions or further discussions with pleasure.

Andreas Koch

City Council, member of the Group of the Left City Council Kamenz
board member EWAG kamenz (since Jan. 2010)
member of the German Communist Party (DKP)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brown Discharge Day Of Period

No signatures for NPD - citizens'!

Declaration Group, the City Council and the local branch THE LEFT. Kamenz

The so-called citizens 'initiative "direct democracy" demands "No Asylum Home in Kamenz" and currently gathering signatures for a citizens' initiative. Initiator of this action, the NPD is that the four men were all on the flyer on the City Council list of the NPD, one of them is now the city and county council. Apparently it's also about the NPD, to win by the signatures of a list of addresses for advertising.

The NPD wants to exploit with their racist and xenophobic objectives of the citizens for their policies. We therefore call on all democratic parties, interest groups and local residents in the city Kamenz including their districts, to be no signature for the implementation of xenophobic citizens' initiative.

The protection of refugees is not a handout but international law. Germany has enshrined the right to asylum in the Basic Law (Article 16a). People usually do not voluntarily leave their homes, but flee from political persecution, natural disasters, war or hardship, you need protection and need help. For

housing applicants, municipalities are responsible. The district council Bautzen has opted for a central home for asylum seekers in Kamenz. The majority of the aldermen and the mayor have the rebuilding of the police school to home for asylum seekers agreed on humanitarian grounds. The present living conditions in the homes and Kamenz Seeligstadt are inhumane, so that a long-planned reconstruction implemented now 2011th We

residents we should work together to consider how we welcome applicants welcome as guests in our city and let them share our lives. Coming together, talk together, overcome alienation among a tolerant city Lessing Kamenz.

On behalf of the City Council Group and the local branch THE LEFT. Kamenz
Marion Young (Group President) and Regina Schultz (Chairman of the local branch)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tinea Cream Ingredients

to Make LEFT city councils

public meeting, the Group always. The Lusatian Links pressure reveals where and when. In January, I accepted the invitation. Just as Roland OB Dantz and Cultural Affairs Harald Reinhard.

three stimulating and informative hours I experienced at the experienced people's representatives and their guests from the Town Hall. Committed they combined to assess the results of the recent city council meeting with their reports from the committees. Each of the following exchange of thoughts, experiences, information and suggestions very enlightening for me and for the city councils starting point for fixing their next projects.

I found the idea attractive, all interest associations and clubs in the city propose to establish a Kamenzer Cultural Association. An imagined by Harald Reinhard discussion paper was supported. mature, it will be presented to potential members, they debated, discussed between them and to the 4th quarter of a viable concept.

The announcement by the Sächsische Zeitung City Council decision to decommission the residential line of white coat street date yet to be not so sure, was to learn from the OB. The proposed resolution put under the special over 70 years of rent control. That could move the demolition date! For the LEFT city councils reveals the whole project and the consequences serious management deficiencies in the Municipal Housing Corporation (SWG). This would have in the past few years to barely manageable debt, but not lead to a sustainable approach to its recovery. One topic that the group will address the year 2011.

Finally, the city councils known to the Alliance "Nazi Free - Dresden is located across" They decided that Preparation of the demonstrations on 13 and the nationwide blockade of the Nazi march on 19 supporting February.

With respect for our city councils, I left the group. How many hours do you spend next to their profession, in order to qualify for their voluntary work, study or draft resolutions to develop themselves, to exchange in the group, so that they can on the city council and its committees represent the interests of their constituents. Anyone can see this. On 21 February the group back together - 18:30 clock in the Community Office The Left Party, Green Street 1
