Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Toronto Management Companies List

Heritage (Ensemble protection) for Hallstatt from the table

The resolution adopted in Parliament:

"that the Federal Monuments Office of whole districts of Hallstatt (" ensemble ") may only be put on the historical, when previously with the community and the affected property owners inside and an understanding property owners made over the scope of preservation was, "

the matter is now off the table and in the drawer where they may gather dust in quality.
This is as a beautiful and rare final victory for the citizens and their rights.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Avcapture Mfc Application Version Stoppd Working

request from the Group for the City Council on 05 May 2010

requesting the opinion of the City Council of the inflammatory and inhumane comments made by Mr Ertel, the City Council meeting of 17/03/2010
Kamenz, the 04/15/2010
Dear hereby Lord Mayor Dantz,

, the Group The Left im Stadtrat Kamenz folgenden Antrag:

Der Stadtrat distanziert sich aufs schärfste von der volksverhetzenden, menschenverachtenden und geschichtsverfälschenden Positionierung des Stadtrates Ertel. Die Beschimpfungen unserer polnischen Nachbarn als „polnische Landräuber“ richten sich gegen das friedliche Zusammenleben der Menschen. Sie darf vom Stadtrat nicht als persönliche Meinungsäußerung betrachtet werden.
Der Stadtrat fordert den Bürgermeister auf, im Falle der Wiederholung derartiger Positionierungen, sofort von seinem Ordnungs- und Hausrecht Gebrauch zu machen.
Der Stadtrat beauftragt den Bürgermeister zu prüfen, ob das Auftreten des Stadtrates Ertel Straftatbestände erfüllt.

While on the City Council sitting 17 March 2010, a draft resolution to a Polish-German joint project cities "Via Sacra - one way - two cities," presented between the City and the town of Karpacz Kamenz and treated.

The remarks of the City Council Ertel (NPD, Group Chairman) to draft resolution read as follows:
"Yes, if you do short term or today, economic, financial considerations, the basis for his decision, it can certainly agree to this request, it must be even. But I have another thought, I speak, a dissent. On this subject, Karpacz, Karpacz, the city is real and then touches the Oder - Neisse - line and I reject it, to make agreements with Polish terrestrial predators. Therefore, I can agree with that request it. "
(Minutes after hearing the usual tape recordings (time counter 1:17:20) created on the basis of the minutes is in the premises of the Government with the approval of the Mayor by Councillor Andreas Koch)

This inhuman and revisionist position by a City Council can therefore not stand still in the room! In a way there would overtake us going again.

On behalf of the Group Linke im Stadtrat Kamenz

Andreas Koch