Sunday, June 27, 2010

Heart Palpitations And Tingling Left Fingers

letter to the editor for review in the Lusatian Links pressure "citizen frustration to new asylum seekers 'home'

Kamenz, the
22/06/2010 Dear Comrades,

the above article in our current issue challenges me to this letter. From the perspective of an active participant in both City Council meetings displayed the contribution from a number of processes and facts.
the first vote ("compromise was in the groups of leftists, CDU, FDP and negotiated the two voter groups"): The fact is that the FDP together with the NPD! voted against the resolution. The fact is that Group members (including the chairman) of the CDU and members of the free voters abstained. By a compromise, I would not speak there.
for discussion: In my view it would be desirable safely in a newspaper of the local chapter of the Left desirable, if our readers would get to know the views of the Links Group. The article does not address the fact that our group has participated actively in the debate. Marion Young, for example: call for decentralized housing and decent conditions / Annett Merbitz: through reference to the Rules of binding of the propaganda of the Nazis party Thomas Lieberwirth: call for still-having reviewed the planning documents of the police academy with involvement of the Court because of Ver-waste of tax money ...
Incidentally, has the ultimate demands of the district office for an immediate decision, in looking back, no, as proven highly questionable. The district council had to decide immediately and the site "Police Academy" is checked again. The issue will remain with us for probably more common.


Thomas Lieberwirth
City Council / Deputy Group Chairman

Monday, June 21, 2010

How To Burn 6000 Calories Per Day

Dante's circles of hell - The Zwietrachtstifter

18-30's song

In the ninth ditch meets Dante faith blisters and Zwietrachtstiftern .
A vicious beats them constantly from limbs and deep wounds -

were the founders of bickering and discord / In life, that's why they are so split.

suffer in the last ditch of the eighth circle of hell the forger, alchemist, and
false witnesses under loathsome diseases and fall over each other in blind rage her.

Unter ihnen befinden sich die Gattin Potiphars, die Josef verleumdet hatte, sowie Sinon von Troja.

Dante hat in der Beschreibung der Höllenkreise all jene da plaziert und mit ungeheuerlichen Leiden versehen, die Unfassbares taten - über die auf Erden kein Recht gesprochen wurde - deren Taten ungesühnt blieben.

Er hat für alle Zeit dafür gesorgt dass die Taten sowie und die Namen der Täter für alle Zeiten miteinander verbunden bleiben in einem Bild mit den ungeheuerlich schrecklichen Qualen welche er ihnen in der Hölle zuerdacht hat.

Ultimately a story (the story) every few years will be rewritten and from each of you meet people who are from lower grounds and to the detriment of other offenses.
These people and their actions to call by name, and the public to do so is a necessity.
It's a lot of work, rummaging through rubbish but it is salutary and fruitful in the end.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Durability Of Paper Towels

written request to the state of work to upgrade the sports facility development concept the city Kamenz"

At our group meeting on 18 January 2010, we have in common with the Mayor Roland Dantz and the subject leader for schools and sports coach of women's situation in the venue and the necessary updating Kamenz said the sports facility development concept of the city. Result of the discussion was that the City Council requested update is available to the sports facility development concept in the draft by February 2010. After oral demand to another group meeting we were informed that the updating of sports facility development concept more time is needed.

why we put on 8 June 2010 following a written request to the City Council with a request for a written response to our questions by June 22, 2010:

first When will the City Council the draft of sports facility development concept the city Kamenz?
second What were the reasons for the significant time lag?
third Like the sports clubs were involved in the design planning?
4th Is a discussion by the Government in the management committee planned with the sports clubs? If so, when?
5th When the decision is provided in the City Council?

Marion Young
Group Chairman

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Make Drinks Like Vodka Cruisers

The proposed ensemble protection of all of Hallstatt is now definitely off the table

"After a meeting with Culture Minister Claudia Schmied (SPÖ) in Vienna was mayor of Hallstatt, Alexander Scheutz on Monday, 7 June 2010, a good message to take home . Take

The proposed ensemble protection of all of Hallstatt is not initially performed. A protected status is not the appropriate time to date "

It shows that public authorities are well advised not to enforce by declared to be necessary measures against their client-citizens -. May make, but that a joint solution must be found.
D he is a government decision not only as fateful and "the grace of God " explains out, but must the citizens, as necessary, useful and appropriate in the public interest be declared and explained, particularly if such a decision, the rights of the citizen greatly curtailed.

Hallstatt The initiators may be regarded as one of the few initiatives of citizens who could argue against actions of the Vienna hochherschaftlichen bureaucracies councilors and secretaries of state of highest honors with a step towards a real democracy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Flight Simulator X Gold How Many Discs

formation of a senior representative for the management of community Kamenz / Schönteichen

The City Council voted in Kamenz on 5 May 2010, the formation of a senior representative for the management of community Kamenz / Schönteichen, which consists of 6 representatives of the city and the community Kamenz Schönteichen. Task is to represent the interests of both communities.

As an advisory body would represent the senior citizens represent the issues of older people. If necessary legwork and recommendations for the work of the City Council and the Municipal Council Kamenz Schönteichen be developed.

Furthermore want to go into the senior representative on current topics, such as "Fit the ages through education" or "conclusions of defects for the better," etc. The cooperation will also be sought with the Senior Advisory Council of the district of Bautzen and the country's senior representative for Saxony.

Contact are members of the former group senior representative Sarink wife, Mrs. Pietsch and Gerhard Mayer and Ms. Schirack (Deputy Mayor) and Mr. Meyer (neighborhood market). Interested seniors contact the above persons.

As Councillor and Member of Parliament I would like to support the active participation of senior citizens in society. Saxony is the state with the oldest population. This increases the political responsibility to the problems of older people to turn early and forcefully.

We need a strong representation of senior citizens, so that the process of aging is guaranteed in dignity and without discrimination, with the active participation of senior citizens. Join and support the work of the senior representative here on site! The city office in Kamenz THE LEFT is available with help and advice.

Marion Young
MdL and faction leader of the left. City Kamenz