Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mateusz Wilk Knurów

parents to maintain - and stricter criteria for "undue hardship" Hartz IV

The Federal Court has ruled that children can be for their parents to pay maintenance also relied on where the parents their children in their early years were poorly or not cared for, because Mutter oder Vater krankheitsbedingt nicht anders handeln konnte.

Die Trägerin der öffentlichen Hilfe klagte aus übergegangenem Recht auf Zahlung von Elternunterhalt gegen den Sohn für seine 1935 geborene Mutter. Die Mutter litt schon während der Kindheit des Beklagten an einer Psychose mit schizophrener Symptomatik und damit einhergehend an Antriebsschwäche und Wahnideen. Sie hat den Beklagten nur bis zur Trennung und Scheidung von ihrem damaligen Ehemann im Jahr 1973 versorgt. Seit spätestens 1977 besteht so gut wie kein Kontakt mehr zwischen dem Sohn und seiner Mutter

Der Beklagte wendete ein, it was for him an undue hardship to have to pay maintenance because his mother had treated him as a child never good.

The Federal Court ruled that a mental illness that has led to the need of care the former parent's child support obligation against could not be just, can not be regarded as culpable misconduct within the meaning of § 1611 BGB with the consequence of a loss claim. Because of family solidarity as required by law to justify as fated to be qualified the mother's illness and its impact on the defendant is not, the maintenance burden the State in rebuttal.

is different, however, when the facts of life includes social and public interests. This is partly the case if there is a recognizable relation to an act of the state. Such a constellation was the Senate decision of 21 basis, which was based in the mental illness of a dependent parent and the consequent inability to care for his child, on his use of the second world war: April 2004 (XII ZR 251/01 reference). Social concerns, which preclude a transition of the maintenance claim to the Authority can also derive from the social welfare legal bid to take the interests and family relationships into account. The exclusion of the claim passes to the welfare agency is thus limited to exceptional cases

Federal , Judgement of 09/15/2010, A ktenzeichen: XII ZR 148/09


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