Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Property Of Flowing Very Fast In A Liquid

Hartz IV: Sanktionen nur möglich, wenn Rechtsfolgenbelehrung in der Eingliederungsvereinbarung konkret, verständlich, richtig und vollständig ist

The integration agreement is to help between Hilfebedürftigem and authority to provide a clear basis on which the return of the will be in need in work and its promotion and livelihood support. What happens, however, if the unemployed are guilty of violations of the integration agreement. Sanctions? Sure, but only if it has been previously advised of consequences.

regard, the Federal Social Court said the following date:

"The in § 31 para 1 sentence 1 No. 1 SGB II shall sanction all facts require that the need of assistance has been informed of the legal consequences of a breach of duty. The 4th Senate of the SPA has already held that instructions must be specific legal consequence, of course, correct and complete. (...)
also this Panel agrees with the. demand in particular is a concrete implementation at the individual case, so the issue of a leaflet with abstract general content is not sufficient. These strict requirements are particularly in view of the serious consequences of § 31 para 1 SGB II for the living wage Services to. (...)

Even the explanatory memorandum builds on thereto, by pointing out that the legal consequence of instruction is to have the function of the needy in explain-understand, what immediate and concrete impact on their entitlement to benefits in § 31 paragraph 1 SGB II listed deficiencies will have. The instruction will be in time before the breach (BT-pressure 15/1516 S 61 (at para 2)). In view of the facts, the blocking time BSG decided that the legal consequence of instruction as a prerequisite for their effectiveness concrete, accurate, complete and understandable sein und dem Arbeitslosen zeitnah im Zusammenhang mit einem Arbeitsangebot zutreffend erläutern muss, welche unmittelbaren und konkreten Auswirkungen auf seinen Leistungsanspruch eine unbegründete Arbeitsablehnung haben kann. Dabei hat das BSG den zwingenden formalen Charakter der Rechtsfolgenbelehrung betont und dies aus dem übergeordneten sozialen Schutzzweck abgeleitet, den Arbeitslosen vor den Folgen einer Pflichtverletzung (insbesondere einer sperrzeitbegründenden Arbeitsablehnung) zu warnen. Der Warnfunktion der Rechtsfolgenbelehrung kommt im Bereich des SGB II noch eine größere Bedeutung zu als im Bereich der Arbeitsförderung. Der soziale Schutzzweck, aus dem das BSG die Anforderungen an die Rechtsfolgenbelehrung herleitet, spielt bei existenzsichernden Social benefits, such as those in the basic security for jobseekers, typically an even greater role than the traditional services of the Employment Promotion Law.

on the applicant at the conclusion of agreements on integrating instruction given right result does not meet these requirements. The legal consequence of instruction was not only by means of a leaflet handed out separately, but was part of the agreement. The legal consequences of a breach of duty, however, were shown not sufficiently specific. The instruction was exhausted but mainly in the representation of legal text. So she called a number of factual variations, are not related to the specific duties of the applicant had. (...) "

The ruling also provides a detailed account of the state of the instance case law and literature on this issue.

Federal Social Court, Judgement of 18/02/2010, B 14 AS 53/08 R, only just published.

The full text can be found here:

I am not responsible for external links.


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