Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Big Fun Motorcycle

Sorgerecht – Umgangsrecht: aktuelle Urteile zum stets heftig umstrittenen Legal

The Parents have the right and duty to care for their children, feed them, educate and raise. This is natural and should be clear without any further notice.

Quasi is inherent problematic but this right in case of separation and divorce. While it is normal for some time the legal case that separated or divorced Parents retain joint custody, however, goes hand in hand with a separation very often that the common ground has been lost both parents, which is also reflected in the foundation for the education of children.

also appear often even with joint custody, the everyday problems of dealing on how often, when and where the parent may see his children, deal with them where they do not live a regular basis? This is conflictual and often exploited for purposes that take place solely on the parent level and harm the children nonetheless.

Finally there is the Cases that are always up to date published in the press, in which it lapses of bad parents are towards their children. How does such a thing on custody and access?

make quasi-permanent German family courts to all kinds of specific questions in this field decisions. Some recent decisions by high courts in December 2010, be cited as examples:

The withdrawal of parental authority against the mother and home care of living with their mother living children is justified if the mother limited um die Grundversorgung ihrer Kinder kümmern kann.
Die unter Betreuung stehende Mutter war in dem zugrunde liegenden Fall außerstande, für ausreichende Nahrungsmittel im Haushalt zu sorgt, den Kindern altersangemessene Grenzen zu setzen und konnte ihr Kinder die Kinder nicht vor dem Alkoholproblem ihres Lebenspartners schützen kann. Der rechtliche Betreuer der Mutter konnte vorliegend keine durchgreifende Änderung in dieser Versorgungssituation zu bewirken.
Zwar wollten die Kinder weiterhin bei der Mutter leben; da ihr Kindeswohl aber erheblich gefährdet sei, setzte sich das Gericht über diesen Wunsch hinweg.
OLG Brandenburg, Beschl. v. 16.12.2010 - 10 UF 176/09

Das Umgangsrecht des Vaters kann wegen Gefährdung des Kindeswohls auf Briefe und Fotos u. dgl. beschränken werden, wenn die betroffenen Kinder deshalb stark traumatisiert sind, weil sie miterleben mussten, dass und wie der Vater gewalttätig zur Mutter gewesen ist, und der unmittelbare persönliche und telefonische Kontakt zum Vater negativen Einfluss auf die seelisch-geistige Entwicklung der Kinder haben können. Das gilt bereits dann, wenn nach dem Bericht des Jugendamtes die Kinder den Kontakt zum Vater ablehnen, weil sie Angst vor ihm haben.
Cologne Higher Regional Court, decision of 12.06.2010 - 4 UF 183/10

A retroactive withdrawal of parental authority is not normally considered. A child welfare endangerment, which makes the deprivation of the right of custody necessary and justified, is present if a present or at least imminent danger in sight for the child's development, when they continued the significant deterioration of physical, mental or emotional well-being of the child with reasonable certainty can foresee.
This is not conceivable situations in which a measure the past can be made. In particular, a withdrawal without evidence of a future child's welfare hazard can not be based on the fact that the child's welfare was endangered in the past, perhaps because the guardian has refused to apply for assistance for education for the meantime completed placement of the child in a foster family.
OLG Zweibrücken, decision of 12.03.2010 - 2 UF 59/10


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